ESV Value Thinline Bible
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Book Description
Ideal for personal reading, public worship, in-depth study, and Scripture memorization, the ESV is an essentially literal translation of the Bible in contemporary English.
The English Standard Version stands in the classic stream of essentially literal Bible translations that began nearly five hundred years ago. The first translation in this classic stream was William Tyndale’s New Te... More
The English Standard Version stands in the classic stream of essentially literal Bible translations that began nearly five hundred years ago. The first translation in this classic stream was William Tyndale’s New Te... More
Book Information
Publisher | Crossway Bibles |
Binding | Unknown Binding (259 editions) |
Reading Level | Uncategorized |
# of Pages | N/A |
ISBN-10 | 0910225818 |
ISBN-13 | 978-0910225816 |
Publication Date | /2010 |
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Reader Comments
4/16/2009 J.Susanna Watt said: Divinely inspired. The most precious resource/book I have ever read. Words cannot express the pictures it creates within the mind, heart, spirit, body, and soul.
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