Watch Out for Clever Women! / Cuidado con las mujeres astutas!
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Book Description
A bilingual collection of Southwestern folktales with some tricky women teaching people simple lessons. Humor shines through the fabric of these fables, with bad guys finding that the joke is, invariably, on them.-Bookpaper
"Our favorite storyteller, Joe Hayes, goes in for a bit of affirmative action in this collection of his Hispanic folktales. Every one of them features a woman heroine, e... More
"Our favorite storyteller, Joe Hayes, goes in for a bit of affirmative action in this collection of his Hispanic folktales. Every one of them features a woman heroine, e... More
Book Information
Publisher | Cinco Puntos Press |
Binding | Paperback (5 editions) |
Reading Level | Ages 4-8 |
# of Pages | 80 |
ISBN-10 | 0938317202 |
ISBN-13 | 978-0938317203 |
Publication Date | 07/01/1996 |
The Creators
About Vicki Trego Hill (Illustrator) : Vicki Trego Hill is a published illustrator of children's books and young adult books. Some of the published credits of Vicki Trego Hill include La Llorona / The Weeping Woman, La Llorona/The Weeping ... more
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