Lettering: Make Your Own Cards, Signs, Gifts and More
Book Description
This book in the Kids Can Do It series will introduce kids to the basics of calligraphy, traditional lettering skills and the principles of design. Kids can make greeting cards, project covers, banners and more. They'll also discover many unique calligraphy projects, such as a 3-D letter tower and letter jewelry made from baking clay. Kids who would rather use a computer can explore the chapters o... More
Book Information
Publisher | Kids Can Press Ltd |
Binding | Hardcover (3 editions) |
Reading Level | Ages 9-12 |
# of Pages | 48 |
ISBN-10 | 1550743120 |
ISBN-13 | 978-1550743128 |
Publication Date | /1996 |
The Creators
About Esperanca Melo (Illustrator) : Esperanca Melo is a published author and an illustrator of children's books. Some of the published credits of Esperanca Melo include Quick Knits (Kids Can Do It), Drumheller Dinosaur Dance.
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