By Cunning and Craft: Sound Advice and Practical Wisdom for Fiction Writers
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Book Description
Ten Lessons for the Fiction Writer
Writing successful fiction is a balance between trusting one's own instincts and making the right conscious choices. In By Cunning & Craft, award-winning novelist and short-story writer Peter Selgin shows you how to combine the instinctive process of creation with sound technical ingenuity.
With precise in... More
Writing successful fiction is a balance between trusting one's own instincts and making the right conscious choices. In By Cunning & Craft, award-winning novelist and short-story writer Peter Selgin shows you how to combine the instinctive process of creation with sound technical ingenuity.
With precise in... More
Book Information
Publisher | Writer's Digest Books |
Binding | Hardcover (3 editions) |
Reading Level | Uncategorized |
# of Pages | 272 |
ISBN-10 | 1582974918 |
ISBN-13 | 978-1582974910 |
Publication Date | 02/14/2007 |
The Creators
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