Detective Club: Mysteries for Young Thinkers
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Book Description
Looking for a fast, easy way to turn your students into advanced problem-solvers?
Young students become members of the Detective Club by solving a series of short introductory puzzles. Primary students love working along with the young detectives in the book to solve six different mysteries. While solving the mysteries, students will gather information through decoding the message, sorting ... More
Young students become members of the Detective Club by solving a series of short introductory puzzles. Primary students love working along with the young detectives in the book to solve six different mysteries. While solving the mysteries, students will gather information through decoding the message, sorting ... More
Book Information
Publisher | Prufrock Press |
Binding | Paperback (3 editions) |
Reading Level | Uncategorized |
# of Pages | 64 |
ISBN-10 | 1593630654 |
ISBN-13 | 978-1593630652 |
Publication Date | 06/01/2005 |
The Creators
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