A Tale of Two Cities (Timeless) (Timeless Classics: Literature Set 2)
Book Description
The workers are in revolt! Every French nobleman is in danger of losing his head to the infamous guillotine. Yet Charles Darnay renounced his title years ago. Why is he scheduled to die for the crimes of his corrupt family? His only hope lies in the hands of one unlikely man.
Timeless Classicsdesigned for the struggling reader and adapted to retain the integrity of the original classic. Th... More
Timeless Classicsdesigned for the struggling reader and adapted to retain the integrity of the original classic. Th... More
Book Information
Publisher | Saddleback Publishing, Inc. |
Binding | Paperback (345 editions) |
Reading Level | Ages 9-12 |
# of Pages | 88 |
ISBN-10 | 1616510951 |
ISBN-13 | 978-1616510954 |
Publication Date | 09/01/2010 |
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