Hard Times (Wordsworth Classics) (Wordsworth Collection)
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Book Description
Introduction and Notes by Dinny Thorold, University of Westminster Illustrated by F. Walker and Maurice Greiffenhagen Unusually for Dickens, Hard Times is set, not in London, but in the imaginary mid-Victorian Northern industrial town of Coketown with its blackened factories, downtrodden workers and polluted environment. This is the soulless domain of the strict utilitarian Thomas Gradgrind and th... More
Book Information
Publisher | Wordsworth Editions Ltd. |
Binding | Paperback (158 editions) |
Reading Level | Uncategorized |
# of Pages | 272 |
ISBN-10 | 1853262323 |
ISBN-13 | 978-1853262326 |
Publication Date | 01/05/1998 |
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