Tengo tres ovejas / I have three sheep (Deditos, 2) (Spanish Edition)
Book Description
Tengo tres ovejas / I have three sheep (Deditos, 2) (Spanish Edition) was written by Juan Ramon Alonso and Maite Figuerola. Tengo tres ovejas / I have three sheep (Deditos, 2) (Spanish Edition) was published by Luis Vives Editorial. Subjects of Tengo tres ovejas / I have three sheep (Deditos, 2) (Spanish Edition) include Animals - Farm Animals, Children's Books/Ages 9-12 Fiction, Fiction, Juvenile... More
Book Information
Publisher | Luis Vives Editorial |
Binding | Board book (2 editions) |
Reading Level | Uncategorized |
# of Pages | 8 |
ISBN-10 | 8426347355 |
ISBN-13 | 978-8426347350 |
Publication Date | 01/2003 |
The Creators
About Maite Figuerola (Author) : Maite Figuerola is a published author of children's books. Some of the published credits of Maite Figuerola include Debajo de Un Boton, El Circo, Abecedario, and Las Estaciones Del A�o.
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