What's new in children's literature and how to use it in your program, 2002: Resource handbook
Book Description
Whats new in childrens literature and how to use it in your program, 2002: Resource handbook was written by Peggy Agostino Sharp. Whats new in childrens literature and how to use it in your program, 2002: Resource handbook was published by Bureau of Education & Research. Subjects of Whats new in childrens literature and how to use it in your program, 2002: Resource handbook include Best books, Boo... More
Book Information
Publisher | Bureau of Education & Research |
Binding | Unknown Binding |
Reading Level | Uncategorized |
# of Pages | 172 |
ISBN-10 | B0006RV2V8 |
Publication Date | /2002 |
The Creators
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