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Walking with a Shadow: Surviving Childhood Leukemia

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Book Description

Childhood cancer, particularly leukemia, is on the rise. Leukemia strikes one child in every 25,000, and most often does so between the ages of 3 and 7. Annually, more than 2,700 children are diagnosed with leukemia in the United States. Due to advances in biotechnology and medicine, survival rates for this once-deadly disease now stand at 80%. But the psychological effects of diagnosis,... More
Book Information
PublisherPraeger Publishers
BindingDigital (4 editions)
Reading LevelUncategorized
# of Pages312
Publication Date09/30/2004
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The Creators
About Nanci A. Sullivan (Author) : Nanci A. Sullivan is a published author. Published credits of Nanci A. Sullivan include Walking with a Shadow: Surviving Childhood Leukemia, Walking with a Shadow: Surviving Childhood Leukemia, and Wa... more
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