Emily Climbs
Book Description
Emily Climbs was written by L. M. Montgomery. Emily Climbs was published by AUSTRALIA ANGUS & ROBERTSON LIMITED.
Book Information
Binding | Hardcover (48 editions) |
Reading Level | Uncategorized |
# of Pages | N/A |
ISBN-10 | B002BAAJE4 |
Publication Date | /1937 |
The Creators
Reader Comments
8/4/2012 Allison Hunter-Frederick said:
tags: Lucy Maud Montgomery, Emily of New Moon Boxed Set
If you want to know who I am inside, read the Emily trilogy by Lucy Maud Montgomery. Most everyone knows and loves Montgomery’s most famous creation: Anne of Green Gables. I love Anne too. Yet Montgomery considered herself more akin to Emily. And so do I.
http://allisonsbookbag.wordpress.com/2012... more
tags: Lucy Maud Montgomery, Emily of New Moon Boxed Set
10/17/2010 Dana Gaar said: Emily was one of many sparks along the way to inspire me to write and give me the confidence to try.
tags: Inspired me
tags: Inspired me
11/27/2006 Shana Norris tagged as: I recommend, Inspired me, favorite, lucy maud montgomery, children's
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