Opossum at Sycamore Road - a Smithsonian's Backyard Book
Book Description
As the moon's silvery light shines down, Opossum and her four babies waddle across the yard to tangle with trash cans and "play possom" with a big brown dog. Includes a glossary of key plant and animal terms.
Book Information
Publisher | Soundprints |
Binding | Hardcover (9 editions) |
Reading Level | Ages 4-8 |
# of Pages | 32 |
ISBN-10 | B0042P5B8K |
Publication Date | 09/01/1997 |
The Creators
About Joel Snyder (Illustrator) : Joel Snyder is a published author and an illustrator of children's books. Some of the published credits of Joel Snyder include Martin Luther King, Jr. Day (Holidays, Festivals, & Celebrations), The Wh... more
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