The Prince: Second Edition
Book Description
The most famous book on politics ever written, The Prince remains as lively and shocking today as when it was written almost five hundred years ago. Initially denounced as a collection of sinister maxims and a recommendation of tyranny, it has more recently been defended and indeed applauded as the first scientific treatment of politics as it is practiced rather than as it ought to be practiced. A... More
Book Information
Publisher | University of Chicago Press |
Binding | Kindle Edition (96 editions) |
Reading Level | Uncategorized |
# of Pages | 184 |
ISBN-10 | B004CRTNF0 |
Publication Date | 09/01/1998 |
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The Creators
About Harvey C. Mansfield (Translator) : Harvey C. Mansfield is a published author. A published credit of Harvey C. Mansfield is Reply to our critics. (Forum: translating Tocqueville). : An article from: French Politics, Culture and Society.
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