Make a Scene: Crafting a Powerful Story One Scene at a Time
Book Description
Write Scenes that Move Your Story Forward
In Make a Scene, author Jordan E. Rosenfeld takes you through the fundamentals of strong scene construction and explains how other essential fiction-writing techniques, such as character, plot, and dramatic tension, must function within the framework of individual scenes in order to provide substance and structure to the overall story. You'll lear... More
In Make a Scene, author Jordan E. Rosenfeld takes you through the fundamentals of strong scene construction and explains how other essential fiction-writing techniques, such as character, plot, and dramatic tension, must function within the framework of individual scenes in order to provide substance and structure to the overall story. You'll lear... More
Book Information
Publisher | Writer's Digest Books |
Binding | Kindle Edition (4 editions) |
Reading Level | Uncategorized |
# of Pages | 276 |
ISBN-10 | B00506VMC4 |
Publication Date | 11/09/2007 |
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