(THE SHACK ) BY Young, William Paul (Author) Hardcover Published on (07 , 2008)
Book Description
(THE SHACK ) BY Young, William Paul (Author) Hardcover Published on (07 , 2008) (THE SHACK ) BY Young, William Paul (Author) Hardcover Published on (07 , 2008) was published by Windblown Media.
Book Information
Publisher | Windblown Media |
Binding | Hardcover (75 editions) |
Reading Level | Uncategorized |
# of Pages | N/A |
ISBN-10 | B005D5FDS6 |
Publication Date | 07/01/2008 |
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Reader Comments
5/9/2015 Martha Craner said: This is an exlent read. I read this years ago and look toward to decrease it again. It is a book that you have read at one setting, or try as it holds many surprises for you faith and soul. Enjoy this amazing book
tags: I read
tags: I read
8/22/2009 Donna Holman said: Interesting book that will make you think about your views on God and religion. I enjoyed the main character's fresh ideas and personal relationships with the Trinity. Definitely worth the read.
tags: Inspired me
tags: Inspired me
1/5/2009 Marilyn Grant said: A powerful book about preconceived notions of God that helps to answer the question that many of us have asked "Why did God allow this to happen?" A compelling book and at times a real page-turner.
10/20/2008 Susannah Wollman said: This book is great... however, it is NOT for kids 4-8 years old!
tags: children
tags: children
9/25/2008 anita Martinez said: What an inspirational book!! Thisone will leave you flipping back to the begining to read it all over again! I didn't think that either, but it is true, I read it twice consecutively.
tags: I recommend, Inspired me, I read
tags: I recommend, Inspired me, I read
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tags: I recommend
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