A Servant's Story
Book Description
In April of 1860, on her 17th birthday, Anne�s father gave her Wexford, a 15,000-acre cotton and tobacco plantation. He also gave her a new body servant, whom Anne named Moragan.
Moragan is not a conventional slave. She is about 10, Irish, and has a habit of speaking her mind - a trait that annoys Anne profoundly! Moragan, does not know the rules and conventions of being a slave - much ... More
Moragan is not a conventional slave. She is about 10, Irish, and has a habit of speaking her mind - a trait that annoys Anne profoundly! Moragan, does not know the rules and conventions of being a slave - much ... More
Book Information
Publisher | FriesenPress |
Binding | Kindle Edition (3 editions) |
Reading Level | Uncategorized |
# of Pages | 280 |
ISBN-10 | B005PTV61S |
Publication Date | 09/26/2011 |
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