Girls to Women, Women to Girls
Book Description
"Girls to Women" features writings from around the world that will inspire girls to look for intergenerational circles that can support them as they mature. Certain to be a valuable tool for girls at a time when hormones, peer pressure, and messages from the media can affect their choices, this book appeals to a wide range of ages from preteens on up.
Book Information
Publisher | Celestial Arts |
Binding | Paperback (4 editions) |
Reading Level | Uncategorized |
# of Pages | 208 |
ISBN-10 | B006CDOBKE |
Publication Date | 09/01/1998 |
The Creators
About Deb Traunstein (Author) : Deb Traunstein is a published author of young adult books. A published credit of Deb Traunstein is Girls to Women: Women to Girls.
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