Two Plays: Skellig, Wild Girl, Wild Boy
Book Description
David Almond turns his talents to drama in these two plays. Skellig is the dramatization of his highly acclaimed novel. What has Michael found in the derelict garage? What is this creature that lies in the darkness? Is it human, or a strange beast never seen before? And what will happen in the world when he carries it out into the light?
Wild Girl, Wild Boy is an original play produced in Londo... More
Wild Girl, Wild Boy is an original play produced in Londo... More
Book Information
Publisher | Delacorte Press Books for Young Readers |
Binding | Paperback (6 editions) |
Reading Level | Ages 9-12 |
# of Pages | 217 |
ISBN-10 | B008W31TMU |
Publication Date | 11/08/2005 |
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