Pearl Verses the World
Book Description
At school, Pearl is a group of one, and at home her beloved granny is fading. A poignant gem of a tale about independence, grief, and finding your place.
Pearl likes to write poems, but despite the insistence of her teacher, Ms. Bruff, Pearl's poems don't rhyme, and neither does she. She wishes she could grow gills so she could stay underwater in swim class without drowning. And she ... More
Pearl likes to write poems, but despite the insistence of her teacher, Ms. Bruff, Pearl's poems don't rhyme, and neither does she. She wishes she could grow gills so she could stay underwater in swim class without drowning. And she ... More
Book Information
Publisher | Candlewick Press |
Binding | Hardcover (3 editions) |
Reading Level | Uncategorized |
# of Pages | 80 |
ISBN-10 | B00DPNWB74 |
Publication Date | 08/23/2011 |
The Creators
About Heather Potter (Illustrator) : Heather Potter is a published illustrator. A published credit of Heather Potter is Verse Ahoy.
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