What is Family?
Book Description
What is a Family? is the 12th title in Etan Boritzer�s best selling children�s book series on character education and difficult topics. The author uses his well-known style to ask young readers serious questions that sharpen their critical thinking skills and lead to real understanding of complex issues. What is a Family? tackles difficult questions regarding the fast-changing face of conte... More
Book Information
Publisher | Veronica Lane Books |
Binding | Kindle Edition (3 editions) |
Reading Level | Uncategorized |
# of Pages | 40 |
ISBN-10 | B00KDP53T0 |
Publication Date | 03/01/2014 |
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The Creators
About Jeff Vernon (Illustrator) : I am a native of Los Angeles. I have been working as an illustrator and designer for over 30 years. Some of my most recent work can be seen in the "What Is?" children's books by Etan Boritzer. I ha... more
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