Yarashell Abbily and Her Very Messy Room
Book Description
The book is about a delightful little girl who wakes up joyfully each day. She sets about getting herself dressed and ready for the day. In the process, she pulls most everything out of her dresser drawers and closet, tossing them this way and that. They all land in unique configurations about the room, creating a fantastic wonderland in her imagination. Through it all, she discusses her creat... More
Book Information
Publisher | Sybrina Publishing |
Binding | Kindle Edition (4 editions) |
Reading Level | Uncategorized |
# of Pages | N/A |
ISBN-10 | B00KEG0910 |
Publication Date | 05/17/2014 |
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The Creators
About Sara Wilson (Illustrator) : Sara Wilson is a published illustrator of children's books. A published credit of Sara Wilson is Yarashell Abbily and Her Very Messy Room.
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Reader Comments
5/23/2014 Sybrina Durant said:
tags: I wrote, family, clean up, very messy room, messy room
Yarashell Abbily had a very messy room...like most little 3 year olds do. Mommy said to clean it up and so did Daddy, too. But she LIKED to mess up her room. It was quite the dilemma. Yarashell wouldn't budge until Daddy offered to play her very favorite game. Mommy loved this game, too, so who woul... more
tags: I wrote, family, clean up, very messy room, messy room
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