Use Your Words, Sophie
Book Description
Sophie knows lots of words, but she doesn�t always use them. It�s more fun to speak in hyena talk or space language. "Use your words, Sophie!" urge her parents, but Sophie just won�t.
But when her new baby sister arrives, Sophie is the only one who can find out what she really wants.
Use Your Words, Sophie is the third book about the irrepressible two-year old who is wond... More
But when her new baby sister arrives, Sophie is the only one who can find out what she really wants.
Use Your Words, Sophie is the third book about the irrepressible two-year old who is wond... More
Book Information
Publisher | Dial Books For Young Readers |
Binding | Kindle Edition (2 editions) |
Reading Level | Uncategorized |
# of Pages | 32 |
ISBN-10 | B00KWG9K9E |
Publication Date | 03/17/2015 |
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