The Classic Tale of the Velveteen Rabbit: Or, How Toys Became Real (Christmas Edition) by Don Daily (2007-09-25)
Book Description
The Classic Tale of the Velveteen Rabbit: Or, How Toys Became Real (Christmas Edition) by Don Daily (2007-09-25) The Classic Tale of the Velveteen Rabbit: Or, How Toys Became Real (Christmas Edition) by Don Daily (2007-09-25) was published by Running Press Kids.
Book Information
Publisher | Running Press Kids |
Binding | Hardcover (344 editions) |
Reading Level | Uncategorized |
# of Pages | N/A |
ISBN-10 | B01FGL7EEW |
Publication Date | /1823 |
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Reader Comments
7/18/2013 Jeanne Prevost said: This is one of my all-time, very favorite stories. I get goosebumps every time I read it.
tags: Inspired me, I recommend
tags: Inspired me, I recommend
10/22/2009 Emily Grandin said: Some stories leave scars... this story and its images marked me in childhood, and continue influence me to this day.
tags: I recommend, rabbits, Inspired me
tags: I recommend, rabbits, Inspired me
3/28/2009 Laurie Mayhew said: I love this version. I find the soft illustrations add a lovely dreamy quality to the story. We own three versions and this is our favorite.
tags: I recommend
tags: I recommend
2/4/2008 Marie Boyum said: My favorite children's book! There is so much to the story that anyone of any age can learn from. A classic tale that should be in every home.
tags: I recommend, Inspired me
tags: I recommend, Inspired me
1/6/2008 Felicity Hansen said: Love makes you real, even though it may also make you a little shabby in the process. This is the essence of this wonderful story of what it means to be real. A story to restore one's faith in life, and hope in fuller life to come.
tags: Inspired me, I recommend
tags: Inspired me, I recommend
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