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These are the most recent 10 blog posts mentioning Graci Evans in JacketFlap's Children's Publishing Blog Reader



  • Graci Evans

About Graci Evans

Graci Evans is a published author and an illustrator of children's books and young adult books. Some of the published credits of Graci Evans include For Your Own Good: A Child's Book about Living in a Foster Home (Hurts of Childhood Series), My Real Family: A Child's Book about Living in a Stepfamily (Hurts of Childhood Series), Something Must Be Wrong with Me: A Boy's Book about Sexual Abuse (Hur... More
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Published Works by Graci Evans
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Results 1 - 19 of 19     # per page:
Title, Creators, Comments / Reviews Ages Date Published
1. For Your Own Good: A Child's Book about Living in a Foster Home (Hurts o...
    Author: Doris Sanford
    Illustrator: Graci Evans
    Publisher: Multnomah
4-8 09/01/1993
2 Reviews  
2. My Real Family: A Child's Book about Living in a Stepfamily (Hurts of Ch...
    Author: Doris Sanford
    Illustrator: Graci Evans
    Publisher: Multnomah
4-8 05/01/1993
2 Reviews  
3. Something Must Be Wrong with Me: A Boy's Book about Sexual Abuse (Hurts ...
    Author: Doris Sanford
    Illustrator: Graci Evans
    Publisher: Multnomah
4-8 05/01/1993
7 Reviews  
4. Yes I Can: Challenging Cerebral Palsy (Children of Courge) (Hardcover)
    Author: Doris Sanford
    Illustrator: Graci Evans
    Publisher: Multnomah
YA 11/01/1992
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5. My Friend, the Enemy: Surviving a Prison Camp (Children of Courge) (Hard...
    Author: Doris Sanford
    Illustrator: Graci Evans
    Publisher: Multnomah
4-8 11/01/1992
1 Reviews  
6. No Longer Afraid: Living with Cancer (Children of Courge) (Hardcover)
    Author: Doris Sanford
    Illustrator: Graci Evans
    Publisher: Multnomah
9-12 11/01/1992
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7. Help! Fire!: Escaping with My Life (Children of Courge) (Hardcover)
    Author: Doris Sanford
    Illustrator: Graci Evans
    Publisher: Multnomah
YA 11/01/1992
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8. Once I Was a Bully... and You'll Never Guess What Happened (You'll Never...
    Author: Doris Sanford
    Illustrator: Graci Evans
    Publisher: Multnomah Pub
4-8 12/1990
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9. Don't Make Me Go Back, Mommy: A Child's Book about Satanic Ritual Abuse ...
    Author: Doris Sanford
    Illustrator: Graci Evans
    Publisher: Multnomah
4-8 07/01/1990
55 Reviews  
10. David Has AIDS (In Our Neighborhood Series) (Hardcover)
    Author: Doris Sanford
    Illustrator: Graci Evans
    Publisher: Multnomah Pub
4-8 08/1989
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11. Maria's Grandma Gets Mixed Up (In Our Neighborhood Series) (Hardcover)
    Author: Doris Sanford
    Illustrator: Graci Evans
    Publisher: Multnomah
4-8 07/01/1989
1 Reviews  
12. Brian Was Adopted (In Our Neighborhood Series) (Hardcover)
    Author: Doris Sanford
    Illustrator: Graci Evans
    Publisher: Multnomah
4-8 07/01/1989
3 Reviews  
13. Lisa's Parents Fight (In Our Neighborhood Series) (Hardcover)
    Author: Doris Sanford
    Illustrator: Graci Evans
    Publisher: Multnomah
4-8 07/01/1989
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14. Names of God: Advanced Theology for Very Tiny Persons (Hardcover)
    Author: Doris Sanford, Graci Evans
    Publisher: Multnomah Pub
1-3 12/1988
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15. I Know the World's Worst Secret: A Child's Book about Living with an Alc...
    Author: Doris Sanford
    Illustrator: Graci Evans
    Publisher: Multnomah
4-8 01/01/1988
7 Reviews  
16. I Can't Talk About It: A Child's Book About Sexual Abuse (Hurts of Child...
    Author: Doris Sanford
    Illustrator: Graci Evans
    Publisher: Multnomah
4-8 07/01/1986
10 Reviews  
17. Don't Look at Me: A Child's Book about Feeling Different (Hurts of Child...
    Author: Doris Sanford
    Illustrator: Graci Evans
    Publisher: Multnomah
4-8 07/01/1986
12 Reviews  
18. It Must Hurt a Lot: A Book about Death and Learning and Growing (Hurts o...
    Author: Doris Sanford
    Illustrator: Graci Evans
    Publisher: Multnomah
? 11/01/1985
12 Reviews  
19. Please Come Home: A Child's Book about Divorce (Hurts of Childhood Serie...
    Author: Doris Sanford
    Illustrator: Graci Evans
    Publisher: Multnomah
? 11/01/1985
4 Reviews  
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