I like peeking into other people's work spaces, so I thought, in the spirit of getting up and stretching, I'd take photos of my office bookshelves*:
1. The TV is ONLY there for breaking news, announcements of school closings, and very important baseball games.
2. Binoculars for trying to see what the dog is barking at outside.
3. Wall shelf is for favorite picture books. I really like that shelf.
What do YOUR bookshelves look like?
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Stacy DeKeyser's journal
Viewing Post from: Reading, writing, and chocolate
Stacy DeKeyser's journal
By: Stacy DeKeyser,
on 11/20/2009
Blog: Reading, writing, and chocolate (Login to Add to MyJacketFlap)
JacketFlap tags: photos, bookshelves, Add a tag
Blog: Reading, writing, and chocolate (Login to Add to MyJacketFlap)
JacketFlap tags: photos, bookshelves, Add a tag