As you may know, I blew out my knee about six weeks ago. As a running-addict, this was pretty tough to deal with. But in some ways, the injury has been okay, because it's helped me discover two new passions.
To get my daily endorphin fix, I started swimming. Before, I thought swimming was boring. Back and forth in the pool, trying (and failing) to keep track of how many laps I've done, squinting through ill-fitting goggles...
Now I swim a mile a couple of times a week, and I love it.
Swimming wasn't enough, though, so I found another way to get my happy on, which is biking. My mom, who is a gearhead, left her fancy road bike here, so I dug it out of storage, took it to the bike shop for a tuneup, got some nifty clip-on shoes and padded shorts, and have started biking three times a week.
Biking is great. I love feeling the burn as I climb a hill and then zoom down the other side at 35 miles per hour (yes, we have hills in Iowa). I love powering through a 15 mph headwind. I love getting into this rhythm where I'm a machine and my legs are pistons, steady and strong.
When biking, I see a lot of stuff on the side of the road. The other day I saw an unbroken drinking glass, an unsquished maraschino cherry, and a hand-knitted mitten. Yesterday, the road had corn kernels scattered on it for miles (my rides all go way out into the country, and it's harvest time).
And my goodness, you wouldn't believe the roadkill. Lots of road-trotting mammals, but oh, how I lament the poor little snakes and frogs.
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Blog of fantasy author Sarah Prineas, author of Magic Thief:Stolen.
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Blog of fantasy author Sarah Prineas, author of Magic Thief:Stolen.
By: Sarah Prineas,
on 9/17/2010
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