So I was sitting in the pit at work, answering phones, like I always do when I’m not in clinic with my doctor, when my gay co-worker burst into the room, shaking, laughing and smiling.
“The Supreme Court just ruled same-sex marriage legal! Now I can get married whenever and wherever I want to!”
I blinked, absorbed what he was saying and then forced a smile in a silent form of congratulations. Thinking to myself, The Supreme Court did what??
That’s how I found out that same-sex marriage is now legal in every state.
I’ve been thinking about writing this post for the past 48 hours. How I wanted to write it. What I wanted to write about this subject. And it’s a toughie. It truly is. Let me see if I can first break my thoughts down and secondly try and make it as fair to all parties that I can.
Yes. I work with a gay man. He is the sweetest and most likable person I’ve ever known. I’ve liked him from the very moment I met him. And we get along famously. In fact, his sense of humor reminds me so much of my brother that I sort of SEE and TREAT him like a little brother. Yes. I’ve told him that before.
So I’ve had to be very careful in how I approach this subject at work because it would kill me to hurt this guy’s feelings. I truly like and care about him and I’m a lot of things, but I’m never intentionally cruel to someone – I have too much respect for the people in my life, or the people I like, to go out of my way to be deliberately nasty to them.
But I don’t agree with the gay lifestyle.
WAIT. DON’T GO. Hear me out, please.
I don’t believe God intended men to be with men. Or women to be with women. And no matter how we sugar coat it, or think of different ways to redefine it, marriage is between a man and a woman. Period. I’ve never understood why the gay community insisted on redefining that word. That word belongs to the heterosexual, get your own damn word. Call it a civil union, or a gay union, or whatever else you want to define two gay people becoming legally/contractually obligated to each other, but marriage is OURS.
Or it was until the Supreme Court stuck their high and mighty noses into it.
So, no. I don’t agree with the gay lifestyle. I don’t think it’s natural or beautiful or any other label you want to attach to it. I don’t believe you’re born a homosexual. I believe it’s a conscious/subconscious choice that is influenced by outside factors. I think people are born with a homosexual tendency, like a person is born with alcoholic/drug addiction tendencies and those people have to work that much harder to resist the temptation, but no, I don’t think there’s a special “gene” that makes a person gay.
This is what I believe. Disagree if you must. But here’s the thing – I really don’t care if someone *chooses to live that sort of lifestyle.
No really.
I. Don’t. Care.
It’s really none of my business how a person lives his/her life. I figure the gay community will be judged at some point and that at some point they will have to look God in the eye and explain their behavior.
I say, “good luck with that.” *SALUTE*
God granted humans the gift of free will – if one chooses to live by the rules that God has set forth in His Word, then that person will be rewarded when Christ comes back to get us. If one chooses NOT to live by the rules that God has set forth, then that person will not be rewarded. But it doesn’t really matter how a Christian lives his/her life, God loves us no matter what choices we make. If a person has accepted Jesus Christ into his/her heart and confessed with his/her mouth that Christ is Lord and was raised from the dead, then that person is a child of God. And just like our flesh and blood children sometimes disappoint us and/or don’t live their lives like we would like them to, they are still our children and we still love them.
The same principle applies to God’s children.
So a gay man may be a Christian and God will still love that man, but he will be disappointed and like a naughty child, that man will not be rewarded for his choices.
For with the gift of free will comes consequences of that free will.
If I choose to hold up a liquor store and steal all of their money, that was my choice. Granted, it was a poor choice, but mine, nonetheless. And the consequences of that choice is jail time.
I won’t pretend to know what God’s consequences will be for not choosing to live by His rules, but I’m sure there WILL be consequences. How can there not?
So honestly, who cares what my opinion is? Who cares if I disagree with a gay person’s decision and/or lifestyle. It’s ultimately none of my business how that person lives his/her life as it’s none of that person’s business how I live my life. WHO CARES WHAT ANYONE DOES BEHIND CLOSED DOORS.
I think my biggest beef with this whole legalizing a gay union (because I REFUSE to call it marriage – marriage belongs to HETEROSEXUALS), is that the Supreme Court turned my voice, my vote, null and void. They spoke FOR the people. They completely ignored the constitution, the states’ rights and basically said, “Fuck you” to everyone and made our decision for us.
They put on their emperor’s crowns and simply made a decision for everyone.
And the scariest part? This is just the beginning. The ice has been broken. Because now that they’ve done it this once, it will that much easier to do again. And again. And again. And before long? We will become a nation of robots that are TOLD what to do, how to live and how to think. And if we dare color outside the lines, WE WILL BE PUNISHED.
And the end begins …
I don’t want to scare anyone, or sound like some crazed religious person, but now would be a good time to start thinking about the afterlife. Because it’s all downhill from here and Christ WILL come back – are you ready? And I know what you’re thinking, “you’re crazy. Whatever.” What if my beliefs are right?
What if?
And let’s not be naive and think this decision, this turning stone, stops here. Guess what’s next?
Pedophiles want same rights as homosexuals
Using the same tactics used by “gay” rights activists, pedophiles have begun to seek similar status arguing their desire for children is a sexual orientation no different than heterosexual or homosexuals.
Critics of the homosexual lifestyle have long claimed that once it became acceptable to identify homosexuality as simply an “alternative lifestyle” or sexual orientation, logically nothing would be off limits.
“Gay” advocates have taken offense at such a position insisting this would never happen. However, psychiatrists are now beginning to advocate redefining pedophilia in the same way homosexuality was redefined several years ago.
Van Gijseghem, psychologist and retired professor of the University of Montreal, told members of Parliament, “Pedophiles are not simply people who commit a small offense from time-to-time but rather are grappling with what is equivalent to a sexual orientation just like another individual may be grappling with heterosexuality or even homosexuality.”
He went on to say, “True pedophiles have an exclusive preference for children, which is the same as having a sexual orientation. You cannot change this person’s sexual orientation. He may, however, remain abstinent.”
When asked if he should be comparing pedophiles to homosexuals, Van Gijseghem replied, “If, for instance, you were living in a society where heterosexuality is proscribed or prohibited and you were told that you had to get therapy to change your sexual orientation, you would probably say that that is slightly crazy. In other words, you would not accept that at all. I use this analogy to say that, yes indeed, pedophiles do not change their sexual orientation.”
The ripple effect begins.
And before you pooh-pooh this “ridiculious notion” away, consider this:
This article from the Greeley Gazette was originally published in 2011. But now, there’s actually a constitutional argument that can be made in its favor.
And did anyone think gay unions would be legal in every state 30 years ago?
And if you’re interested in what Christianity has to say about homosexuality, please watch the following videos: Teaching: Christian’s View on Homosexuality – Parts One / Two, Three / Four, Five / Six.
The slippery slope just got a whole lot slippier.
Filed under:
Can We Talk?,
In My Opinion
By Anatoly Liberman
The question about the origin of gay “homosexual” has been asked and answered many times (and always correctly), so that we needn’t expect sensational discoveries in this area. The adjective gay, first attested in Middle English, is of French descent; in the fourteenth century it meant both “joyous” and “bright; showy.” The OED gives no attestations of gay “immoral” before 1637. Yet it is not improbable that this sense is much older but that it remained part of low slang, unfamiliar to the majority of English speakers, even such as were sensitive to street usage. Dickens began writing Dombey and Son in 1846 and gave the family name Gay to Walter, the future husband of Florence, the sweet and suffering character (one can even say the protagonist) of his novel. The combination Mrs. Walter Gay (or Florence Gay) did not shock or amuse his contemporaries, though gay woman “prostitute” had already made it even into printed books (the earliest citation in the OED goes back to 1825). Gay “homosexual” dates to the 1930’s, but it could hardly have been the product of slow semantic development from “depraved” and “perverse.” While “unnatural attraction,” to use the euphemism of the past epoch, was looked upon as a deviation and a vice, gay “male prostitute,” along with “whore,” would suggested itself to many. In the sixties of the twentieth century, homosexual men accepted gay as a neutral term, and that is the end of the story. A slight touch of novelty in my summary is that I don’t believe in “merry, joyous” acquiring negative connotations gradually and suspect that they have been present since the middle period but were suppressed or even tabooed; see also below. The sense “male prostitute,” perhaps especially with reference to a passive homosexual, may be old too. Thus, if I am right, the history of gay did not run parallel to that of faggot: in fag ~ faggot, reference to homosexuals indeed appeared only in the twentieth century.
The main mystery is the origin of the French word, the etymon of Engl. gay. The first edition of the OED offered no solution; the OED online expanded considerably the etymological part of the entry but refrained from taking sides and only listed a few proposals. This is natural: the history of gay is obscure and will, most likely, remain a matter of controversy in the future. Before I say what little I can on this subject, a short introduction is needed. It is well-known that words like warranty and guarantee, warden and guardian, William and Guillaume, among many others, are etymological doublets pairwise. The French for war is guerre, that is, the doublet of guerre serves also as its English gloss. We have here Old Germanic words with initial w-. When Central Old French borrowed them, w-, a sound alien to Romance, was replaced with gu- (first only before the vowel a); with time, w after g was lost. Later such words often migrated to English, where the spelling gu- bears witness to their stay “abroad.” But in Northern and Anglo- French, the dialects of greater importance to the history of English than the French of Paris, initial w- survived. Consequently, both warden and guardian are ultimately of Germanic origin, but guardian was taken over from Central French, whereas warden is a guest from Northern French, so that w- makes the word look as though it had never left it Germanic home.
The main old hypotheses concerning gay were based on the idea that it had come to French
When Nintendo claimed that the Wii would appeal to a broad audience of consumers, they were not kidding around. While the Nintendo Wii plays a favorite among little kids and grandmas, it has much love from the gay community. Gay people like to stay fit and games like Wii Sports, Wii Sports Resort, and WiiFit allow them to keep in shape so they can look sexy in hopes of scoring with a handsome hunk. Now while gay people like to stay in shape, they are not exactly the most masculine and muscular people in the world. Most gay people wouldn’t choose an Xbox 360 or Playstation 3 because it is too heavy for them to carry around. A gay person’s body is not built to carry around large, heavy consoles. The Wii is small, light, white, and sleek. Now, even though gay people might not like the Wii’s design and color as much as the GameCube’s purple purse design, it still looks nice to place in a home without worrying about it looking bad.
We did multiple polls on message boards such as Gamespot, 1UP, and IGN, asking if they were straight, gay, or bisexual. The results were astounding. The poll results showed that there were more gay owners who own the Wii more than any other console. After completely the study, we asked them why they like the Wii over the 360/Playstation 3. They told us they didn’t like how 360/PS3 games had so many dark games with brown/black/grey color palettes. Usually straight men like games with darker colors because it makes them feel more manly and adult. While we noticed that gay people tend to enjoy brighter color palettes such as red, yellow, orange, etc in games such as Super Mario Galaxy. I once knew someone who was gay and he always talked about the colors and art styles of videogames. The more stylish and artistic, the more gay people are more willing to play that game. While another friend of mine who was straight, cared more if the visuals were realistic and looked like real life. Straight people like graphics to look more like real life and less cartoonish. Straight tend to enjoy games involving killing people or sports, while gay people tend to enjoy games about running around in a colorful fantasy world full of talking animals, colorful creatures, and magic. Now, this doesn’t mean all people who enjoy games like that gay. But I believe most of them are.
Gay people love to make great gourmet food and the Wii allows them to do that in a videogame such as Cooking Mama. Cooking Mama is a great game for homosexuals because it allows you to be a great chef and create excellent meals. And best of all, there is a lot of pink in the game’s visuals which is another reason gays will feel right at home with this game.
Another game that the gay community will love in Animal Crossing: City Folk. This game is a gay person’s dream come. You can be a fashion designer without worrying about people calling you a derogatory names. Just the opposite. The animals condone you to make the best fashion around. Want to be an interior decorator and design wallpaper and decorate the inside of your home? This game has it. And not only that, the better you design the interior of your house, the better scores you will get. Another thing that gay people will love is the ability to invite their friends into the town they created, and have a voice chat session using Wii Speak technology to talk about all the cute guys at the mall, and talk about the tightness of the new pair of leather pants that they bought.
If these games do not suit you, there is one game called Cho Aniki that will make the blood of any homosexual man get horny. This game is called Cho Aniki for the Turbo Graphix 16 system. You can buy it on the Wii’s Virtual Console. I could describe what the game is about, but why should I when it only needs one picture to persuade the gay community to buy a Wii for this game.
If you need any more reason that the Wii is the most gay friendly system, Nintendo is one of the few companies to make a gay character. His name is Tingle and he likes to skip and hop around in a tight green costume and giggle when young boys ask him for advice about their quests and adventures.
When Nintendo claimed that the Wii would appeal to a broad audience of consumers, they were not kidding around. While the Nintendo Wii plays a favorite among little kids and grandmas, it has much love from the gay community. Gay people like to stay fit and games like Wii Sports, Wii Sports Resort, and WiiFit allow them to keep in shape so they can look sexy in hopes of scoring with a handsome hunk. Now while gay people like to stay in shape, they are not exactly the most masculine and muscular people in the world. Most gay people wouldn’t choose an Xbox 360 or Playstation 3 because it is too heavy for them to carry around. A gay person’s body is not built to carry around large, heavy consoles. The Wii is small, light, white, and sleek. Now, even though gay people might not like the Wii’s design and color as much as the GameCube’s purple purse design, it still looks nice to place in a home without worrying about it looking bad.
We did multiple polls on message boards such as Gamespot, 1UP, and IGN, asking if they were straight, gay, or bisexual. The results were astounding. The poll results showed that there were more gay owners who own the Wii more than any other console. After completely the study, we asked them why they like the Wii over the 360/Playstation 3. They told us they didn’t like how 360/PS3 games had so many dark games with brown/black/grey color palettes. Usually straight men like games with darker colors because it makes them feel more manly and adult. While we noticed that gay people tend to enjoy brighter color palettes such as red, yellow, orange, etc in games such as Super Mario Galaxy. I once knew someone who was gay and he always talked about the colors and art styles of videogames. The more stylish and artistic, the more gay people are more willing to play that game. While another friend of mine who was straight, cared more if the visuals were realistic and looked like real life. Straight people like graphics to look more like real life and less cartoonish. Straight tend to enjoy games involving killing people or sports, while gay people tend to enjoy games about running around in a colorful fantasy world full of talking animals, colorful creatures, and magic. Now, this doesn’t mean all people who enjoy games like that gay. But I believe most of them are.
Gay people love to make great gourmet food and the Wii allows them to do that in a videogame such as Cooking Mama. Cooking Mama is a great game for homosexuals because it allows you to be a great chef and create excellent meals. And best of all, there is a lot of pink in the game’s visuals which is another reason gays will feel right at home with this game.
Another game that the gay community will love in Animal Crossing: City Folk. This game is a gay person’s dream come. You can be a fashion designer without worrying about people calling you a derogatory names. Just the opposite. The animals condone you to make the best fashion around. Want to be an interior decorator and design wallpaper and decorate the inside of your home? This game has it. And not only that, the better you design the interior of your house, the better scores you will get. Another thing that gay people will love is the ability to invite their friends into the town they created, and have a voice chat session using Wii Speak technology to talk about all the cute guys at the mall, and talk about the tightness of the new pair of leather pants that they bought.
If these games do not suit you, there is one game called Cho Aniki that will make the blood of any homosexual man get horny. This game is called Cho Aniki for the Turbo Graphix 16 system. You can buy it on the Wii’s Virtual Console. I could describe what the game is about, but why should I when it only needs one picture to persuade the gay community to buy a Wii for this game.
If you need any more reason that the Wii is the most gay friendly system, Nintendo is one of the few companies to make a gay character. His name is Tingle and he likes to skip and hop around in a tight green costume and giggle when young boys ask him for advice about their quests and adventures.
I'm cheating (just a tiny bit) today. Liz and I have this whole "Exercise of Writing" week going on, and I need it and Poetry Friday to play nice together. So, I'm giving you some poetic excerpts from one of my favorite books about sports (and so much more):
(This is the paperback cover.
I own the hardback, which looks quite
Wrestling Sturbridge was
Rich Wallace's first book, and he's gone on to write
many more. But when I met him at the
Highlights Foundation Writer's Workshop at Chautauqua, he had just published this strong debut novel, with blurbs on the back from the likes of Robert Cormier, Jerry Spinelli, and Chris Crutcher. (It also received starred reviews from Booklist and Publisher's Weekly, and was noted by ALA as a Quick Pick and a Best Book for Young Adults.) He's still on the
Writer's Workshop faculty today, so catch him there, if you can.
You would think that I (a girl) would not like a book (about a boy) that features a sport (wrestling) that I've never attempted, but you would be wrong (arm twisted behind your back wrong.) I love this story, and one reason is the short poetic lists that are interspersed throughout the book. Here's one:
Things I've done twice:
* pinned Al (seventh grade)
* told my father to go to hell
* read Conditioning for Wrestling: The Iowa Way
Things I haven't:
* left home for four days
* been suspended from school for
telling a teacher to kiss my ass
* had sex
And here's one more:
What happens before a match (in this order):
* diarrhea and mood swings
* a kind of prayer where you curse at
God and beat yourself up, then tell
God you're sorry and he says it's okay
* a concentrated sense of focus
What doesn't:
* you don't joke around with anybody
* you don't resign yourself to losing
* you never say it doesn't matter what
Maybe Rich Wallace didn't think of those brief interludes as poetry. But I choose to.
Poetry Friday is hosted today at
Mentor Texts & More. Come play.