Like many plastic surgeons, and as my aesthetic practice has grown, I prefer to perform most surgeries in my accredited, office-based operating room. By operating in my office, I have access to my own highly qualified team members who are accustomed to working together. In this way, we can create an experience for the patient that is more private, safe, efficient, cost-effective, and highly likely to produce optimal results.
The post How safe are office-based surgical facilities? appeared first on OUPblog.
Oh yeah. Ever had one of those moments with your medical insurance company where the lady on the other end of the phone line is sweetly telling you how to fix a problem with your bill, but is making absolutely no sense to anyone other than herself? I’m sitting here scratching my head wondering what in the world this company was thinking when they made up some of these rules. Did you know some companies require the tax id number on the receipts before they’ll reimburse you for your expenses? Nope me either. And the kicker comes when the Doctor’s office doesn’t have a tax id number, won’t give it to you, or plain can’t find anyone who knows it. Someone, pinch me. Surely this is just a dream. . .
Now, most of you know I am the mother to four wonderful kids. Four children who go to school, activities, and church so illness is bound to happen. An insurance company isn’t a nicety it’s a “where’s the card, Cory’s bleeding again,” kind of thing. Try as I must, I am stuck with battling the insurance company on this fine fall day. I guess I should be grateful, I’m not out raking the leaves or pulling the dead underbrush (I don’t care for those chores much either:)).
On that note, Happy Friday!
What do you do when you’re stuck going around in circles with a company?
When I was working I had a medical bill that the hospital sent to collections and i battled with them for a YEAR over payment (we’re talking about $160) I refused to pay and had to go back and forth between the hospital, collection agency, insurance and HR department. FINALLY it got paid and the HR gal said that if I had paid it – then the insurance never would have. Still – it was almost a full time job just doing that! We have no insurance now tho and that’s not great either for when those “emergencies” happen.