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I told you I wanted to be a dancer, didn’t I?
No? Well, now you know. But I didn’t have the flexibility for it and … oh fine, I never went down that road because dancing is HARD.
Whenever I’m feeling … off, or need to relax or simply escape, I will crawl into bed, put my earbuds on, open my Pandora app on my phone and fantasize that I’m a great dancer who spontaneously breaks into dance at work, or I’m a professional dancer on stage, or I’m simply out and about in daily life and no one ever finds that weird or disturbing and I MOVE people with the my interpretive dance.
I think that’s why I love, love, LOVE this video.
Did anyone else get goosebumps watching this?
Filed under:
random stuff
Seriously. Where have I been all this time??
I’ve been washing my hair every other day, (confession, I still wash my hair every other day), but now, when I’m feeling super lazy on the weekends, (because I don’t feel super lazy during the week – who has time??) I can spray some awesome dry shampoo, (I’m still experimenting, I don’t have a favorite, yet), put my hair into a high bun, use two long and two short spin pins and I’m good to go, baby!
Honestly, these three tricks have suddenly made my life a whole lot easier.
Yes. I know these things have been around for years but I’m slow, I’m years behind apparently.
I’m growing my hair out. And when I finally wear my hair down at work again, (in the Fall because I will spontaneously combust if I wear it down at work in the summer – TOO HOT), then people will gasp with surprise because it will be about three inches longer than it was at the beginning of the summer.
My hair grows super fast. Like, about an inch per month. Though it doesn’t seem to be growing as fast as it did – age, I guess.
I’m old.
Anyway. You may now resume your life. I know what I just shared with you was earth shattering.
You’re welcome.
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random stuff
Happy hump day!
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Remember these guys? They were the dudes with the fancy treadmill moves.
I think their videos are cooler than their songs ….
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One of the first comments I saw on this YouTube page was:
“God bless this boy.”
To which an uninformed individual responded:
“What god? the one that killed the kid’s dad by doing nothing?”
Dude. Let me help you out … there is some confusion here. There is only one god of this world that would do something this horrific …
Don’t Blame God: Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four.
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random stuff
Filed under: random stuff
It’s a running joke in our family that Kevin is always looking out of catastrophes – “Karen, watch out for that truck,” that I saw ten seconds before him. “If you X, then Y might happen.”
I’m aware of the dangers of “Y”.
So now, whenever he starts talking like that (and he’s just being cautious, but sometimes OVERLY so), I yell out, “SQUIRREL!”
I couldn’t help thinking of Kevin when I saw this video. LOL
Have a great Thursday, friends.
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random stuff
This video is an eye-opener. Ignore the part about the Canadian commentary at the end – this applies to all humans, regardless of nationality.
Stay active. Live longer. Treat your body with respect. Don’t sit around and wait for death – get out there and grab life by the short and curlies and give it a good tug.
I know I’m going to.
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random stuff
And our young people, our children, right now, not years from now, are the ones EXPECTED, even REQUIRED, to pay for us. And if they don’t? PENALTY.
What kills me is that the Republicans keep touting, “we can do better.” Then dude, for the love of God, DO BETTER. Stop talking about it and DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT.
Republicans are so wimpy! Get a backbone and stand up to these crazy socialists!
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Filed under: random stuff
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Filed under: random stuff
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This is one of the most inspirational speeches you’ll ever hear.
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Pay attention to the road, folks.
It’s only your life.
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(See what I did there with the title?)
Have an awesome Monday, everyone.
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