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Merchant Book Company Limited

Merchant Book Company Limited is a publisher of children's books. Some of the books published by Merchant Book Company Limited include Experiments With Alternate Currents Of High Potential And High Frequency, Manalive, The Practice Of The Presence Of God, and Glinda of Oz.

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Updated 4/25/2006

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All Books   Books by JacketFlap members
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Results 1 - 17 of 17     # per page:
Title, Creators, Comments / Reviews Ages Date Published
1. Alternate Currents Of High Potential And High Frequency (Paperback)
    Author: Nikola Tesla
(Unknown)  12/04/2009
81 Reviews  
2. The Man Who Was Thursday (Paperback)
    Author: G. K. Chesterton
(Unknown)  07/25/2009
2,787 Reviews  
3. The Practice Of The Presence Of God (Paperback)
    Author: D. H. Lawrence
(Unknown)  12/12/2009
2,444 Reviews  
4. The Story Girl (Paperback)
    Author: L. M. Montgomery
(Unknown)  12/18/2009
778 Reviews  
5. The Pink Fairy Book (Paperback)
    Illustrator: H. J. Ford
(Unknown)  01/13/2010
31 Reviews  
6. With Christ in the School of Prayer (Paperback)
    Author: Andrew Murray
(Unknown)  01/31/2013
409 Reviews  
7. Kilmeny of the Orchard (Paperback)
    Author: L. M. Montgomery
(Unknown)  12/26/2009
849 Reviews  
8. Glinda of Oz (Paperback)
    Author: L. Frank Baum
    Illustrator: John R Neill
Ages 4-8 03/22/2010
332 Reviews  
9. Moonfleet (Paperback)
    Author: J. Meade Falkner
Ages 4-8 02/17/2010
57 Reviews  
10. The Orange Fairy Book (Paperback)
    Illustrator: H. J. Ford
Ages 4-8 03/01/2010
9 Reviews  
11. Fifty Famous Stories Retold (Paperback)
    Author: James A. Baldwin
Ages 9-12 05/04/2009
109 Reviews  
12. Noah Webster's Advice to the Young and Moral Catechism (Paperback)
    Author: Webster
(Unknown)  11/06/2013
2 Reviews  
13. Manalive (Paperback)
    Author: G. K. Chesterton
(Unknown)  05/20/2009
432 Reviews  
14. The Science Of Mechanics - A Critical And Historical Account Of Its Deve...
    Author: Ernst Mach
(Unknown)  07/28/2007
6 Reviews  
15. At the Back of the North Wind (Paperback)
    Author: George MacDonald
(Unknown)  08/30/2013
661 Reviews  
16. The Pink Fairy Book (text only) by A. Lang,H. J. Ford (Paperback)
    Author: H. J. Ford
(Unknown)  /2010
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17. The Irish Fairy Book (Various) (Hardcover)
    Author: Alfred Perceval Graves
(Unknown)  03/30/1994
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