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Books John tagged with:
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Results 1 - 25 of 41     # per page:
Title, Creators, Comments / Reviews Ages Date Added
1. Alchemy and Meggy Swann (Hardcover)
    Author: Karen Cushman
    Publisher: Clarion Books
Young Adults 2/23/2012
John said: Nice cover, who's the illustrator?
tags: illustrator
545 Reviews  
2. 王の森のふしぎな木 (チャーリー・ボーン#5) (Tankobon Ha...
    Author: Jenny Nimmo, John Shelley, ジェニー ニモ
    Illustrator: John Shelley
    Publisher: 徳間書店
N/A 12/21/2008
John tagged as: I illustrated
392 Reviews  
3. ジッパーくんとチャックの魔法 (Tankobon Hardcover)
    Author: John Shelley, 早川 真知子
    Illustrator: John Shelley
    Publisher: 理論社
N/A 12/21/2008
John tagged as: I illustrated
1 Reviews  
4. ベリー・セント・エドマンズの幸福な丘 (Tankobon Hardcover)
    Author: Fraser Harrison, フレイザー ハリソン
    Illustrator: John Shelley
    Publisher: メディアファクトリー
N/A 3/24/2008
John said: Japanese edition of "A Father's Diary" by Fraser Harrison.
tags: I illustrated
1 Reviews  
5. I Wish I Could Be a Ballerina (Unknown Binding)
    Author: Rosie McCormick
    Illustrator: John Shelley
    Publisher: Backpack Books
N/A 10/26/2007
John tagged as: I illustrated
2 Reviews  
6. 世界一周おはなしの旅 (単行本)
    Publisher: PHP研究所
N/A 10/26/2007
John tagged as: I illustrated
5 Reviews  
7. King Smelly Feet (Paperback)
    Author: Hiawyn Oram
    Illustrator: John Shelley
    Publisher: Andersen Press
Ages 4-8 10/26/2007
John tagged as: I illustrated
2 Reviews  
8. Night Eyes (Paperback)
    Author: Peter Ward
    Illustrator: John Shelley
    Publisher: Crystal Clear Pubns
N/A 10/26/2007
John tagged as: I illustrated
1 Reviews  
9. Bodkin Papers The (Paperback)
    Author: Donald Cotton
    Illustrator: John Shelley
    Publisher: Target Bks.
N/A 10/26/2007
John tagged as: I illustrated
2 Reviews  
10. The Computer That Ate My Brother (Paperback)
    Author: Dean Marney
    Illustrator: John Shelley
    Publisher: Target Bks.
N/A 10/26/2007
John tagged as: I illustrated
19 Reviews  
11. Japanese Vegetarian Cookery (Hardcover)
    Author: Lesley Downer
    Illustrator: John Shelley
    Publisher: Jonathan Cape
N/A 10/26/2007
John tagged as: I illustrated
2 Reviews  
12. Get Lavinia Goodbody! (Andersen Young Reader's Library) (Hardcover)
    Author: John Shelley, Roger Collinson
    Publisher: Andersen Press
N/A 10/26/2007
John tagged as: I illustrated
2 Reviews
13. Get Lavinia Goodbody! (Paperback)
    Author: Roger Collinson
    Illustrator: John Shelley
    Publisher: Andersen Press Ltd
Ages 4-8 10/26/2007
John tagged as: I illustrated
2 Reviews  
14. A Canoe in the Mist (Hardcover)
    Author: Elsie Locke
    Illustrator: John Shelley
    Publisher: Jonathan Cape Children's Books
N/A 10/26/2007
John tagged as: I illustrated
5 Reviews  
15. (Tankobon Hardcover)
    Author: John Shelley
    Publisher: PARCO出版
N/A 10/26/2007
John said: "Santa ni Yoroshiku" (Say Hello to Santa). Publised by Parco Shuppan 1990.
tags: I wrote , I illustrated
1 Reviews  
16. (Tankobon Hardcover)
    Author: ロビン ジャーヴィス
    Illustrator: John Shelley
    Publisher: 早川書房
N/A 10/26/2007
John said: Japanese edition of Robin Jarvis's "The Deptford Mice" Volume 3, illustrated by your's truely.
tags: I illustrated
1 Reviews
17. (Tankobon Hardcover)
    Author: ロビン ジャーヴィス
    Illustrator: John Shelley
    Publisher: 早川書房
N/A 10/26/2007
1 Reviews
18. (Tankobon Hardcover)
    Author: ロビン・ジャービス
    Illustrator: John Shelley
    Publisher: 早川書房
N/A 10/26/2007
John said: Japanese edition of Robin Jarvis's "The Deptford Mice" Volume 1, illustrated by your's truely.
1 Reviews
19. (Tankobon Hardcover)
    Author: John Shelley, 川崎 洋, イプセン
    Publisher: 評論社
N/A 10/26/2007
John said: Peer Gynt. Picture Bok published by Hyoronsha 1991.
1 Reviews
20. (Tankobon Hardcover)
    Author: John Shelley
    Publisher: ひかりのくに
N/A 10/26/2007
John said: Shapes Picture Book. Published by Hikari no Kuni 1995.
1 Reviews
21. (Tankobon Hardcover)
    Author: John Shelley
    Publisher: ひかりのくに
N/A 10/26/2007
John said: Colour Picture Book. Published by Hikari no Kuni, 1995.
1 Reviews
22. (Tankobon Hardcover)
    Author: John Shelley
    Publisher: ひかりのくに
N/A 10/26/2007
John said: Counting Picture Book. Published by Hikari no Kuni in 1995.
1 Reviews
23. (Tankobon Hardcover)
    Author: John Shelley, 鈴木 晶
    Publisher: 三起商行
N/A 10/26/2007
John said: "The Month Brothers", picture book from the version related by Samuel Marshak, translated by Sho Suzuki. Miki House/Kodansha 1991, reprinted 1999.
1 Reviews
24. Hawaiian Big Daddy (Tankobon Hardcover)
    Author: John Shelley, Banbis Snowflower, バンビス スノーフラワー
    Publisher: 日経BP社
N/A 10/26/2007
1 Reviews  
25. Tinpot Tales (Paperback Bunko)
    Author: John Shelley
    Illustrator: John Shelley
    Publisher: ARTBOXインターナショナル
N/A 10/26/2007
John said: A book of postcards to accompany a retrospective exhibition in Ginza, Tokyo.
1 Reviews  
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