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Books Isabel tagged with:
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Results 1 - 19 of 19     # per page:
Title, Creators, Comments / Reviews Ages Date Added
1. Celebrate Thanksgiving Day with Beto and Gaby (Stories to Celebrate) (Pa...
    Author: alma flor ada, F. Isabel Campoy
    Illustrator: Claudia Rueda
    Publisher: Santillana USA Publishing Company
Ages 4-8 2/26/2010
Isabel tagged as: I wrote
3 Reviews  
2. Celebrate Cinco de Mayo with the Mexican Hat Dance (Stories to Celebrate...
    Author: alma flor ada, F. Isabel Campoy
    Illustrator: David Silva, Marcela Gomez
    Publisher: Alfaguara Infantil
Ages 4-8 2/26/2010
Isabel tagged as: I wrote
9 Reviews  
3. Celebrate Mardi Gras with Joaquin, Harlequin (Stories to Celebrate) (Pap...
    Author: alma flor ada, F. Isabel Campoy
    Illustrator: Eugenia Nobati
    Publisher: Alfaguara
N/A 2/26/2010
Isabel tagged as: I wrote
4 Reviews  
4. Celebrate Chinese New Year with the Fong Family (Stories to Celebrate) (...
    Author: alma flor ada, F. Isabel Campoy
    Illustrator: Mima Castro
    Publisher: Alfaguara Infantil
Ages 4-8 2/26/2010
Isabel tagged as: I wrote
1 Reviews
5. En Alas del Condor (Puertas al Sol) (Paperback)
    Author: alma flor ada, F. Isabel Campoy
    Illustrator: Claudia De Teresa, Felipe Davalos, Bruno Gonzalez
    Publisher: Santillana S.A. (Alfaguara)
N/A 2/26/2010
Isabel tagged as: I wrote
1 Reviews  
6. Pimpon (Coleccion Puertas al Sol) (Paperback)
    Author: alma flor ada, F. Isabel Campoy
    Publisher: Santillana USA Publishing Company
N/A 2/26/2010
Isabel tagged as: I wrote
3 Reviews  
7. Dreaming Fish (Gateways to the Sun) (Gateways to the Sun Collections) (P...
    Author: alma flor ada, F. Isabel Campoy
    Illustrator: Felipe Davalos, Isaac Hernandez, Sofia Suzan
    Publisher: Alfaguara
Ages 4-8 2/26/2010
Isabel tagged as: I wrote
3 Reviews  
8. Top Hat (Gateways to the Sun) (Puertas Al Sol/Gateways to the Sun) (Pape...
    Author: alma flor ada, F. Isabel Campoy
    Publisher: Alfaguara
Ages 4-8 2/26/2010
Isabel tagged as: I wrote
1 Reviews
9. The Quetzal's Journey (Gateways to the Sun) (Puertas al Sol) (Paperback)
    Author: alma flor ada, F. Isabel Campoy
    Publisher: Santillana USA Publishing Company
Ages 4-8 2/26/2010
Isabel tagged as: I wrote
2 Reviews  
10. Sigue La Palabra (Paperback)
    Author: alma flor ada, Francisca Isabel Campoy
    Publisher: Harcourt Brace
N/A 2/26/2010
Isabel tagged as: I wrote
1 Reviews
11. Chuchurumbe (Puertas al Sol) (Paperback)
    Author: alma flor ada, F. Isabel Campoy
    Publisher: Santillana USA Publishing Company
Ages 4-8 2/26/2010
Isabel tagged as: I wrote
1 Reviews
12. Eyes of the Jaguar (Gateways to the Sun) (Puertas Al Sol/Gateways to the...
    Author: alma flor ada
    Publisher: Alfaguara
N/A 2/26/2010
Isabel tagged as: I wrote
2 Reviews  
13. Mambr� (Puertas Al Sol / Gateways to the Sun) (Spanish Edition) (Paperback)
    Author: alma flor ada
    Publisher: Santillana USA Publishing Co.
N/A 2/26/2010
Isabel tagged as: I wrote
1 Reviews
14. Blue and Green (Gateways to the Sun Series) (Gateways to the Sun Collect...
    Author: alma flor ada, F. Isabel Campoy
    Publisher: Santillana USA
Ages 4-8 2/26/2010
Isabel tagged as: I wrote
2 Reviews  
15. Mama Goose: A Latino Nursery Treasury (Paperback)
    Author: alma flor ada, F. Isabel Campoy
    Illustrator: Maribel Suarez
    Publisher: Hyperion
Ages 4-8 2/26/2010
Isabel tagged as: I wrote
11 Reviews  
16. Merry Navidad!: Christmas Carols in Spanish and English/Villancicos en e...
    Author: alma flor ada, F. Isabel Campoy
    Illustrator: Vivi Escriva
    Publisher: Rayo
N/A 2/26/2010
Isabel tagged as: I wrote
4 Reviews  
17. Rosa Raposa (Hardcover)
    Author: F. Isabel Campoy
    Illustrator: Ariane Dewey, Jose Aruego
    Publisher: Gulliver Books
Baby to Pre-K 2/26/2010
Isabel tagged as: I wrote
4 Reviews  
18. �P�o Peep!: Traditional Spanish Nursery Rhymes (Spanish Edition) (Hardco...
    Author: Alice Schertle, alma flor ada, F. Isabel Campoy
    Illustrator: Vivi Escriva
    Publisher: Rayo
Ages 4-8 2/26/2010
Isabel tagged as: I wrote
75 Reviews  
19. Tales Our Abuelitas Told: A Hispanic Folktale Collection (Hardcover)
    Author: alma flor ada, F. Isabel Campoy
    Illustrator: Felipe Davalos, Leyla Torres, Susan Guevara, Vivi Escriva
    Publisher: Atheneum
Ages 4-8 2/26/2010
Isabel tagged as: I wrote
61 Reviews  
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