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These are the most recent 10 blog posts mentioning Lynley Welte in JacketFlap's Children's Publishing Blog Reader


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About Lynley

I've never been one to like writing much about myself.
I have recently rediscovered my joy and passion for writing, and have decided to pursue it and see what will happen from it. There is an open road ahead and I am just waiting to see where it leads. May the journey begin.
Books Recently Added to Lynley's Bookshelf Ages Date Added
Books 1 - 4 from Lynley's bookshelf
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1. The Treasures of Weatherby (Hardcover)
    Author: Zilpha Keatley Snyder
    Publisher: Atheneum
Ages 9-12 2/19/2010
67 Reviews  
2. If You Could See Me Now (Hardcover)
    Author: Cecelia Ahern
N/A 1/21/2010
Lynley said: This is my new favorite book, loved the characterization and light hearted attitude of Ivan. It was a good reminder to never forget the simple things in life and always remember to laugh and have fun.
74 Reviews  
3. Life of Pi (Paperback)
    Author: Yann Martel
    Publisher: Canongate Books Ltd
N/A 1/11/2010
50,679 Reviews  
4. Wings (Hardcover)
    Author: Aprilynne Pike
    Publisher: HarperTeen
Young Adults 1/11/2010
6,176 Reviews  
Bestselling order determined by SalesRank(tm)
Profile Comments
Comment by Eric Hammond on 12/13/2009 at 7:51 PM:
Hello, Lynley.
Welcome to JacketFlap.

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