About Marile
I am an avid reader who recently went back to school for my second Masters. I received a MS in Agriculture Education in the early 80's but have always wanted to be a Librarian so I am now working on that. My English and Math skills leave a lot to be desired so any writing I do will be subject to correction. I have three grown daughters and soon to be exhusband eventhough we live on the same property and usually have dinner together with our middle child. Unless the divorce hurrys along, we will have been married 35 years in May. So much for me.
I am an avid reader who recently went back to school for my second Masters. I received a MS in Agriculture Education in the early 80's but have always wanted to be a Librarian so I am now working on that. My English and Math skills leave a lot to be desired so any writing I do will be subject to correction. I have three grown daughters and soon to be exhusband eventhough we live on the same pr...
Hello, Marile.
Welcome to JacketFlap.