About Danny
Dr. Danny Davis’ primary areas of expertise are homeland security and terrorism. Danny is associated with the Bush School of Government and Public Service at Texas A&M University. He is director of the graduate certificate in Homeland Security at Bush School. He has two degrees from Texas A&M University, a bachelor’s in history and a Ph.D. in education. At Troy State University he earned a master’s in international relations. During a 20-year Army career, Lieutenant Colonel (retired) Davis served in a variety of command and staff positions in airborne, ranger and special forces units. While an instructor at the U.S. Army Infantry School, 1987-89, he was principal author for the revision of Field Manual 7-10, The Rifle Company Manual. During a tour at the Pentagon he served on the Army Staff in support of special operations. His military awards include the Bronze Star Medal and Combat Infantryman’s Badge. From 1997-2000 Davis served as a training consultant in the U.S. State Department’s “Train and Equip” Program in Bosnia-Herzegovina. For six years, 2000-2006 Davis worked in public education as a JROTC instructor in San Antonio, Texas. Since that time Danny has worked as a contractor for the Army in homeland security and Reserve component training. Another long time interest, on which he has researched and written is tactical level combat in the War Between the States., particularly on the infantry brigades of the Army of Northern Virginia. Danny is the author of The Phinehas Priesthood; Violent Vanguard of the Christian Identity Movement published by Praeger Publishers in 2010.
Dr. Danny Davis’ primary areas of expertise are homeland security and terrorism. Danny is associated with the Bush School of Government and Public Service at Texas A&M University. He is director of the graduate certificate in Homeland Security at Bush School. He has two degrees from Texas A&M University, a bachelor’s in history and a Ph.D. in education. At Troy State University he earned a m...
Hello, Danny.
Welcome to JacketFlap.