About Jennifer
I'm a 38 year old Gr. 8 English teacher in Newport News, VA. I live in Williamsburg and love going to Colonial Wmsbg. and around town. It's a great place to live and work. I've been a teacher and a social worker - with AIDS patients and the general populace. I'm originally from upstate New York and that's where my mom, dad, sister and nephew all live still. I'm an avid reader and writer and ... More
Profile Comments
Comment by Janet Squires on 5/16/2010 at 4:43 PM:
Hello Jennifer,
So glad you joined us here at JacketFlap.
Hello Jennifer,
So glad you joined us here at JacketFlap.
Comment by Jennifer Sekella on 5/16/2010 at 3:27 AM:
Carpe Diem - seize the day - gather the rosebuds while you may!
Carpe Diem - seize the day - gather the rosebuds while you may!
Looking for more friends and advice on how to use JacketFlap.