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About Emily

Emily Chetkowski is a published author of children's books and young adult books. Some of the published credits of Emily Chetkowski include Sister Sluggers, Amasa Walker's Splendid Garment, Mabel Takes the Ferry, and Just A Kid, A Guard at the Nuremberg Trials.
Emily's Published Works Ages Date Published
Books 1 - 4 from Emily's published works
Click a book's title for more details about the book
1. Mabel Takes a Paddle (Paperback)
    Author: Emily Chetkowski
    Illustrator: Susan Spellman
    Publisher: PublishingWorks
Ages 4-8 07/01/2009
3 Reviews  
2. Sister Sluggers (Paperback)
    Author: Emily Chetkowski
    Publisher: PublishingWorks
Ages 9-12 10/31/2006
1 Reviews  
3. Mabel Takes A Sail (Paperback)
    Author: Emily Chetkowski
    Publisher: J. N. Townsend Publishing
Ages 4-8 01/01/2000
5 Reviews  
4. Amasa Walker's Splendid Garment (Paperback)
    Author: Emily Chetkowski
    Illustrator: Dawn Peterson
    Publisher: Heritage Printing Co
Ages 4-8 07/01/1996
4 Reviews  
Bestselling order determined by SalesRank(tm)
Books Recently Added to Emily's Bookshelf Ages Date Added
Books 1 - 2 from Emily's bookshelf
Click a book's title for more details about the book
1. Mabel Takes the Ferry (Paperback)
    Author: Emily Chetkowski
    Illustrator: Dawn Peterson
    Publisher: Islandport Press
Ages 4-8 2/19/2012
Emily said: A Maine classic, Mabel Takes The Ferry has been reissued by Islandport Press. Pub date 3/15/12.
4 Reviews  
2. Just a Kid: A Guard at the Nuremberg Trials (Paperback)
    Author: Emily Chetkowski, Emilio DiPalma
    Publisher: Publishing Works, Inc.
Young Adults 2/19/2012
16 Reviews  
Bestselling order determined by SalesRank(tm)
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