About lisa
I am a Diva Queen to my beautiful diva princesses ages 8 and 6 years. I have been married to my better half for 10 years! I have a BSN in Nursing from Duquesne University. I am currently pursuing my Masters degree at Drexel University. I have just finished my 1st children's book and am on the very beginning of my journey! Life is good!
I am a Diva Queen to my beautiful diva princesses ages 8 and 6 years. I have been married to my better half for 10 years! I have a BSN in Nursing from Duquesne University. I am currently pursuing my Masters degree at Drexel University. I have just finished my 1st children's book and am on the very beginning of my journey! Life is good!
Profile Comments
Comment by lisa beck on 7/14/2008 at 8:19 PM:
thank you
thank you
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