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Updates Made by Anna Staniszewski

Tuesday, July 26, 2016 10:52:27 AM
Anna Staniszewski wrote a blog post titled Cover Reveal and Other News:
Anna said, "I’m excited to share the cover of MATCH ME IF YOU CAN, the third book of the Switched at First Kiss series, coming out in January! I should have another cover reveal soon for DOGOSAURUS REX, which will be coming out this winter. I’ve..." more

Friday, July 22, 2016 9:45:48 AM
Anna Staniszewski wrote a blog post titled Guest Post: Illustrating The Story Circle by Wendy Martin:
Anna said, "I’m excited to have a special feature today! Illustrator Wendy Martin is here to share a behind-the-scenes look at the process of illustrating her new book, The Story Circle. Enjoy! On June 1st I shared my art creation process for a single..." more

Monday, May 23, 2016 5:09:50 PM
Anna Staniszewski wrote a blog post titled THE TRUTH GAME is out!:
Anna said, "It’s the official publication date for THE TRUTH GAME, the fourth book in the Dirt Diary series! You may recall that this series was supposed to be a trilogy, but when my editor asked if I had any interest in writing a fourth installment, I..." more

Saturday, April 16, 2016 8:17:58 AM
Anna Staniszewski wrote a blog post titled Upcoming Events:
Anna said, "With the March release of FINDERS REAPERS and the upcoming May release of THE TRUTH GAME, it’s time for me to emerge from my writing cave and do some book events! Here’s where I’ll be in the coming weeks. I hope to see you..." more

Friday, March 18, 2016 8:37:22 AM
Anna Staniszewski wrote a blog post titled ONCE UPON A CRUISE Cover Reveal!:
Anna said, "I’m so excited to share the cover of my upcoming book with Scholastic, ONCE UPON A CRUISE! This was such a fun project to work on, and I can’t wait for it to release in September! Here’s a description from the publisher: Ainsley..." more

Friday, March 4, 2016 9:44:55 AM
Anna Staniszewski wrote a blog post titled I’M WITH CUPID Book Trailer:
Anna said, "As promised, here’s a fun little book trailer I made for I’M WITH CUPID. It was my first time using Powtoon. What do you think? If you’re having trouble seeing the embedded video above, click HERE to watch it on YouTube."

Thursday, March 3, 2016 6:14:54 PM
Anna Staniszewski wrote a blog post titled FINDERS REAPERS has arrived!:
Anna said, "Today’s the day! The sequel to I’m With Cupid, Finders Reapers, is officially out in the world and available wherever books are sold. My daughter highly recommends it. Meanwhile, I’m furiously working away on the third book in..." more

Monday, January 25, 2016 12:32:41 PM
Anna Staniszewski wrote a blog post titled What’s In Store for 2016:
Anna said, "I can’t believe it’s almost the end of January, which means that 2016 is already zipping by! It’s shaping up to be a busy year. Here’s what’s in store in the next few month in terms of book events and release dates (and..." more

Tuesday, December 15, 2015 12:43:44 PM
Anna Staniszewski wrote a blog post titled 2015 Wrap-Up:
Anna said, "As we speed along toward 2016, I’ve been reflecting on 2015 and all I can say is: Wow, it’s been one eventful year! I had three books published, including my first picture book, I had a baby, I wrote/revised three new books, and I taught..." more

Saturday, November 14, 2015 8:12:34 PM
Anna Staniszewski wrote a blog post titled Cover Reveal and Upcoming Events:
Anna said, "I already shared this in my newsletter, but I wanted to put it here to make it official: Here’s the cover for The Truth Game, the fourth book in the Dirt Diary series, coming out in May. Yay! Also, I have a few events coming up in the next..." more

Friday, October 16, 2015 1:19:17 PM
Anna Staniszewski wrote a blog post titled Cruising Into a New Book Deal!:
Anna said, "I don’t think of myself as a terribly patient person, so it’s been killing me to sit on this news since January, but I can finally spill the beans that I’ve sold a new book to Scholastic! Here’s the official announcement from..." more

Monday, September 21, 2015 7:00:35 PM
Anna Staniszewski wrote a blog post titled Book Awards and Cover Reveals:
Anna said, "I feel like I’m always in the drafting/revising cave these days, but I had to peek out to share some great news. The Dirt Diary is one of 12 titles nominated for the 2017 Louisiana Readers’ Choice Award for grades 6-8! That means students..." more

Monday, August 24, 2015 10:35:08 AM
Anna Staniszewski wrote a blog post titled Hollihock Conference Presentation:
Anna said, "This weekend, I traveled down to New Bedford, Mass. to take part in the Hollihock Writing Conference, a brand new conference affiliated with UMass Dartmouth. It was great to hear speakers from so many different genres and to chat with fellow..." more

Wednesday, August 19, 2015 11:52:21 AM
Anna Staniszewski wrote a blog post titled Some Upcoming Events:
Anna said, "I’ve been pretty much a shut-in the past few months as I’ve been caring for BabyBot and furiously trying to keep up with writing deadlines. (If you’re waiting on an email from me or I promised to mail you some swag, rest assured..." more

Friday, July 31, 2015 7:59:00 AM
Anna Staniszewski wrote a blog post titled A Quick Tip for Revising a Sequel:
Anna said, "I’m currently in what I’m calling the Super Cave, a combination of a revising cave, drafting cave, and baby cave, but I’ve emerged to share a quick tip that’s really helping me with my current revision. I’m working on..." more

Tuesday, July 7, 2015 11:02:23 AM
Anna Staniszewski wrote a blog post titled I’M WITH CUPID Release Day!:
Anna said, "Today is the day! My newest book, I’M WITH CUPID, is officially out from Sourcebooks! Almost exactly two years ago, I was rereading The Children of Green Knowe by LM Boston for a class I was teaching at Simmons College, and a brief mention of..." more

Thursday, July 2, 2015 9:56:27 AM
Anna Staniszewski wrote a blog post titled What Does “Have More Fun with the Story” Really Mean?:
Anna said, "It’s July! Which means I’M WITH CUPID will be officially out in a few days! I’m getting really excited for the launch party next week. Think people would be freaked out if I went around shooting them with love arrows? It’ll..." more

Tuesday, June 2, 2015 12:16:30 PM
Anna Staniszewski wrote a blog post titled Board Book Reading List:
Anna said, "BabyBot is seven weeks old now which means I’m still not getting a lot of writing done, but I’ve been enjoying lots of cooing, smiling, and general baby cuteness (in addition to the crying and stinky diapers). We’ve been doing more..." more

Saturday, May 9, 2015 5:52:36 AM
Anna Staniszewski wrote a blog post titled A New Cover for I’M WITH CUPID:
Anna said, "As I mentioned last time, my newest book, I’m With Cupid, is getting a new cover! The publisher decided to go with a look that would appeal more specifically to fans of the Dirt Diary series. I hope this fun, new cover will entice readers to..." more

Sunday, April 26, 2015 3:47:48 PM
Anna Staniszewski wrote a blog post titled Announcements!!:
Anna said, "The past few weeks have been absolutely jam-packed with excitement. Here’s what’s been going on. A Baby! Yes, Girl-Bot decided to come a couple weeks early. I was getting mighty uncomfortable toward the end of the pregnancy, so her early..." more

Thursday, March 26, 2015 7:46:16 PM
Anna Staniszewski wrote a blog post titled LITTLE ROBOT Launch Party Recap:
Anna said, "I know this is about a week late, but I wanted to do a quick recap of the launch party for Power Down, Little Robot. I was so grateful to see so many friends (old and new) come out to the Brookline Booksmith to celebrate. You’d think that..." more

Wednesday, March 18, 2015 9:13:19 AM
Anna Staniszewski wrote a blog post titled What If? Or Re-Imagining the Classics with Michelle Ray:
Anna said, "I’m excited to welcome author Michelle Ray whose first novel, Falling for Hamlet, was the inspiration behind the E! television show The Royals. How cool is that? Michelle has just released a brand new retelling, this one of Macbeth, and..." more

Sunday, March 15, 2015 9:13:04 AM
Anna Staniszewski wrote a blog post titled Does Planning Out a Book Make It Easier to Write?:
Anna said, "I know I’ve talked about how I’ve slowly evolved from a pantser into a planner (although still not an outliner), but I’ve been wondering recently if making that switch from pantser to planner has actually made it easier for me to..." more

Friday, March 6, 2015 3:03:06 PM
Anna Staniszewski wrote a blog post titled LITTLE ROBOT Book Trailer:
Anna said, "I’ve been teasing you guys for a couple of weeks now, but the day has finally arrived to reveal the official POWER DOWN, LITTLE ROBOT book trailer. Here it is: I hope you like it! If you’re wondering about that ridiculously catchy song..." more

Tuesday, March 3, 2015 9:41:42 AM
Anna Staniszewski wrote a blog post titled A LITTLE ROBOT Is Born!:
Anna said, "I’ve long admired people who wrote picture books, but for years I thought I could never be one of them. Not only was I too wordy and not visually oriented enough, but I never had a decent idea that demanded to be illustrated. But after working..." more