
Blog Mentions

These are the most recent 10 blog posts mentioning William Hartley in JacketFlap's Children's Publishing Blog Reader



  • William H Hartley
  • William H. Hartley
  • William Harrison Hartley
  • William Harrison. Hartley
  • William Hartley
  • William Hartley; William S. Vincent

About William Hartley

William Hartley is a published author of children's books and young adult books. Some of the published credits of William Hartley include American Civics Student Edition on CD-ROM (Holt), American Civics, Have a Go Science Tests (Have a Go Science Tests), and Literacy Trios (Developing Literacy Skills).
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Published Works by William Hartley
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Results 1 - 11 of 11     # per page:
Title, Creators, Comments / Reviews Ages Date Published
1. Holt American Civics: Student Edition Grades 9-12 2005 (Hardcover)
    Author: Rinehart, and Winston, Inc. Holt, William Hartley
    Publisher: Holt Rinehart & Winston
YA 01/01/2005
8 Reviews  
2. American Civics Student Edition on CD-ROM (Holt) (CD-ROM)
    Author: Rinehart, and Winston, Inc. Holt, William Hartley, William Shafer Vincent
    Publisher: Holt Rinehart & Winston
YA 01/01/2005
1 Reviews  
3. Have a Go Science Tests: Ages 10-11: Workbook (Have a Go Science Tests) ...
    Author: William Hartley
    Publisher: Andrew Brodie Publications
? 01/30/2004
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4. Photocopiable Woodland and Hedgerow Activity Book (Natural Science Resou...
    Author: W. Hartley, William Hartley
    Illustrator: Paul Sealey
    Publisher: Topical Resources
? 05/1997
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5. Multiplication Hb (Specials) (Paperback)
    Author: Alison Millar, William Hartley
    Publisher: Folens Publishers
? 09/30/1996
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6. One-a-Week Mental Arithmetic Tests 1 Pb (Bk.1) (Paperback)
    Author: William Hartley
    Publisher: Folens Publishers
? 06/01/1996
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7. One-a-Week Mental Arithmetic Tests 3 Pb (Folens One a Week) (Bk.3) (Pape...
    Author: William Hartley
    Publisher: Folens Publishers
? 06/01/1996
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8. Addition Pb (Brain Waves) (Paperback)
    Author: William Hartley
    Publisher: Folens Publishers
? 02/1996
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9. Subtraction Pb (Brain Waves) (Paperback)
    Author: William Hartley
    Publisher: Folens Publishers
? 02/1996
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10. Division Pb (Brain Waves) (Paperback)
    Author: William Hartley
    Publisher: Folens Publishers
? 02/1996
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11. American Civics Freedom/Pupils Editions (Hardcover)
    Author: William Hartley, William Shafer Vincent
    Publisher: Henry Holt & Company
? 06/1992
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