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These are the most recent 10 blog posts mentioning Winkler in JacketFlap's Children's Publishing Blog Reader



  • Alan Winkler
  • Winkler
  • Winkler Howe

About Winkler

Winkler is a published author of young adult books. Some of the published credits of Winkler include Concepts and Challenges in Earth Science, Concepts and Challenges in Physical Science: Laboratory Program (Concepts and Challenges Series), Water and Air (Concepts and Challenges), and America: Pathways to the Present Modern American History.
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Published Works by Winkler
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Results 1 - 11 of 11     # per page:
Title, Creators, Comments / Reviews Ages Date Published
1. Holt Komm mit!: Student Edition CD-ROM, Set of 25 Levels 1-3 2006 (Hardc...
    Author: Rinehart, and Winston, Inc. Holt, Winkler
    Publisher: Holt Rinehart & Winston
YA 01/01/2006
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2. Concepts and Challenges in Earth Science (Hardcover)
    Author: Leonard Bernstein, Martin Schachter, Winkler, Stanley Wolfe
    Publisher: Globe Fearon Co
YA 06/2003
1 Reviews  
3. Gf c and c water and air module student edition 2004 (Concepts and chall...
    Author: Leonard Bernstein, Martin Schachter, Winkler, Stanley Wolfe, Globe
    Publisher: Globe Fearon Co
YA 01/14/2003
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4. Komm Mit!: Holt German, Level 1 (Hardcover)
    Author: George Winkler, Rinehart, and Winston, Inc. Holt, Winkler
    Publisher: Holt Rinehart & Winston
YA 01/01/2003
10 Reviews  
5. Komm mit!: Student Edition Level 3 2003 (Hardcover)
    Author: George Winkler, Rinehart, and Winston, Inc. Holt, Winkler
    Publisher: Holt Rinehart & Winston
YA 01/01/2003
2 Reviews  
6. Komm mit! German: SE KOMM MIT! LV 2 2003 Level 2 2003 (Hardcover)
    Author: George Winkler, Rinehart, and Winston, Inc. Holt, Winkler
    Publisher: Holt Rinehart & Winston
YA 10/03/2002
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7. Theo and Blikskottel (Paperback)
    Author: Et Al, Winkler
    Publisher: Juta Gariep
? 08/31/1999
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8. Playing for Real: Gr 7 - 9: A Collection of Short Plays for South Africa...
    Author: Et Al, Winkler
    Publisher: Thorold's Africana Books [distributor]
? 08/31/1999
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9. Holt Komm Mit!: Student Edition Level 3 2000 (Hardcover)
    Author: Rinehart, and Winston, Inc. Holt, Winkler
    Publisher: Holt Rinehart & Winston
YA 01/20/1999
1 Reviews  
10. Gf concepts and challenges physical science laboratory program se ...
    Author: Leonard Bernstein, Martin Schachter, Winkler, Stanley Wolfe, Globe
    Publisher: Globe Fearon
YA 01/01/1999
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11. A Recorder Teaching Method (Paperback)
    Author: Winkler
    Publisher: Maskew Miller Longman (Pty) Ltd
? 01/01/1901
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