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1. The Christmas Cookie Shop Blog Tour and Giveaway

The Christmas Cookie Shop
by Ginny Baird


GENRE: Contemporary Romance



Come home this Christmas to…


Where everyday dreams come true!

New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Ginny Baird brings you the start of a brand new holiday series…


(Christmas Town, Book 1)

Hannah Winchester is down on her luck and disillusioned with love, but her fortunes are about to change. When Hannah inherits a defunct bakery in East Tennessee, her first thought is to sell it and settle her substantial debt. Then the townsfolk welcome her warmly and she’s taken with the joyful spirit of the place, where stores employ holiday themes and residents have surnames like Christmas and Claus. After a handsome lawman comes to her aid dressed as Santa, Hannah learns he’s more than a hot guy in a red suit and shiny black boots. Sheriff Carter Livingston has joined in the cause of rejuvenating the town, and he’s encouraging her to do her part. Hannah’s great-grandmother, Lena, sold special holiday cookies that brought hope and renewal to the people of Christmas Town. Yet Hannah has plans elsewhere and isn’t looking to stay. Can she possibly reopen the shop known for kindling romance—without sacrificing her heart?


Excerpt Four:

Hannah’s heart beat faster, and that gargantuan butterfly resurfaced from out of nowhere, fluttering its enormous wings. “Great!” she said, and her lips trembled. Oh no, not the trembling lips! It started earlier with those blasted butterflies. Now, my lips are quaking, just imagining the feel of his mouth on mine, sweet waves of heat crashing over me as he holds me in his arms… The next things to go would be her knees. And Hannah knew exactly what would give way after those: her heart! Full stop.

Hannah was glad Carter had returned to the kitchen before she’d broken out in a rapid blush. Forget about my forehead! This ice is needed elsewhere! She began by pressing the ice pack to the sides of her neck, then her cheeks and her collarbone, right above the V of her powder-blue pullover sweater, the frosty surface instantly cooling her scorching skin.

She wore a crisp white blouse underneath her sweater and had faded stretch jeans tucked into her favorite pair of lace-up boots. She’d gotten them at the thrift store but they were made of real leather. All broken in and comfortable too. Hannah supposed they were meant for hiking, but they served her well enough for everyday wear, and were especially good in the snow. She was admiring them when she felt a dribble of icy water run down her cleavage. No, that was two dribbles. Three! An entire stream! Hannah lifted the ice bag in horror to see it had been leaking, leaving a large wet spot on each of her breasts!

“Supper’s read—” Carter stopped halfway to the couch to stare at her. “Problem?”

Hannah’s chin jerked up and she slapped her arms across her chest. “I... er…”

“You seem to have sprung a leak.” He squinted in incredulity. “Or...two?”

“Not me!” she answered hurriedly, as Jingles scampered across her legs and Belle curled into her lap. “The ice bag! It’s, uh…dripping!”

“Right.” Carter quickly set the tray containing stew, pears, wine, cheese, and biscuits on the coffee table and lifted the ice pack from the soggy seat cushion. He tested the fit of its cap. “Looks like the seal came loose. I’ll go grab a towel.”

“And I’ll just run and…change!” Hannah yelped, the instant he’d left the room. Then she scooted the kittens aside and dashed up the steps, positively mortified.

Copyright © 2016 Ginny Baird


AUTHOR Bio and Links:

Romance writer Ginny Baird has published novels in print and online and received screenplay options from Hollywood for her family and romantic comedy scripts. Whether writing lighthearted romantic comedy or spine-tingling romantic suspense, she delights in delivering heartwarming stories.
She is a New York Times and USA Today bestselling author, a Top 10 Best Seller on Kindle, NOOK and iBooks, and a #1 Best Seller in several Romance and Women's Fiction categories. When she's not writing, Ginny enjoys cooking, biking and spending time with her family in Virginia. Ginny loves hearing from her readers! She invites you to visit her website and connect with her on social media. http://www.ginnybairdromance.com/

WEBSITE / BLOG – www.ginnybairdromance.com


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Ginny will be awarding The Complete Holiday Brides Collection (Books 1 - 5) to five randomly drawn winners via rafflecopter during the tour.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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2. Paranormal Romance iBook Lovers Event: September 12th

Hello everyone and welcome to the iBook lovers PNR Lover's promotion! Head over and check out the awesome books for free and 99 cents. Today only!

If you haven't grabbed a copy of A Wicked Halloween or Coming in Hot, you won't want to miss these amazing box sets! 99 cents for a limited time.

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3. Decoherence

Liana Brooks

Single or Series:  3rd and last book in the Time & Shadows trilogy
Length of Book:   400 pages/ 87,000 words
Genre:   Science Fiction

Author Bio:
Liana Brooks writes science fiction and sci-fi romance for people who like fast ships, big guns, witty one-liners, and happy endings. She lives in Alaska with her husband, four kids, and giant mastiff puppy. When she isn’t writing she enjoys hiking the Chugach Range, climbing glaciers, and watching whales.
Readers of Blake Crouch's DARK MATTER and Wesely Chu's TIME SALVAGER will love Liana Brooks' DECOHERENCE--the thrilling, time-bending conclusion to the Time & Shadow series!
Samantha Rose and Linsey MacKenzie have established an idyllic life of married bliss in Australia, away from the Commonwealth Bureau of Investigation, away from mysterious corpses, and—most of all—away from Dr. Emir’s multiverse machine.
But Sam is a detective at heart, and even on the other side of the world, she can’t help wonder if a series of unsolved killings she reads about are related—not just to each other, but to the only unsolved case of her short career.
She knows Jane Doe’s true name, but Sam never discovered who killed the woman found in an empty Alabama field in spring of 2069. She doesn’t even know which version of herself she buried under a plain headstone.
When Mac suddenly disappears, Sam realizes she is going to once more be caught up in a silent war she still doesn’t fully understand. Every step she takes to save Mac puts the world she knows at risk, and moves her one step closer to becoming the girl in the grave.

Decoherence (n): a period of time when all iterations collapse and there is only one possible reality.
~ Excerpt from Definitions of Time by Emmanuela Pine, I1
Day 247
Year 5 of Progress

Capitol Spire

Main Continent

Iteration 17—Fan 1

… three. Rose stood and peered through the frosted, warped glass of the conference room as the speaker turned away. It didn’t matter which iteration she was in, Emir was predictable. She had seven seconds to do a head count. She didn’t need that long.
A quick head count was all it took to confirm that the einselected nodes she’d been sent to assassinate were where they belonged.
Every iteration had nodes, people or events that kept that variation of human history from collapsing. Dr. Emir had created a machine that allowed people not only to move along their own timeline, but at critical convergence points, it allowed them to cross between realities. But the Mechanism for Iteration Alignment’s greatest ability was the one that allowed Dr. Emir and Central Command to steer history by erasing futures they didn’t want.
Rose knelt beside the door, did one final sweep for alarms, and nodded for her team to move in. It was her job to cross at convergence points, kill the nodes, and collapse the futures that no one wanted.
One look at the version of herself watching this iteration’s Emir with rapt fascination was enough to make Rose want to snip this future in the bud.
Chubby was the first thing that came to mind. Rose’s doppelganger was enjoying being at the top of the social pyramid and probably gorging on whatever passed as a delicacy here. The squared bangs with a streak of riotous red only accented the corpulence and lack of self-control the inferior other had.
Even with a heavy wood door between them, Rose could hear that this iteration’s Emir was hypothesizing things the MIA was never meant to do. Everyone with half a brain knew that decoherence didn’t combine iterations, it crushed them. Only the true timeline, the Prime, would survive decoherence. Planning to welcome and integrate doppelgangers into the society was pure idiocy.
The techs sealing the door shut gave her the high sign.
Rose nodded to her hacker.
“Cameras locked. Security is deaf and blind, ma’am”Logan’s voice was a soft whisper in her earpiece. He was a genius with computer systems, a fact that had saved him when they collapsed I-38 three years ago. “We have a fifteen-minute window.”

 1. How did you get started writing?
My first creative writing experience happened in grade school in Illinois where they had a Young Authors Competition. Once I learned I could tell a story I was always scribbling something, usually instead of taking notes in math class (which probably explains my geometry grade). But I didn’t get serious and start writing regularly until after I graduated college. I was suddenly out of Academia and bored. Daily writing gave me a sense of accomplishment at a time when the work I was doing wasn’t easily measured by my usual metrics.

2. Name three things on your desk right now.
Post-it notes with quotes, word counts, and scenes to write; am original piece of art that’s blue and green with gold sparkles, and a fish fossil.

3. Hamburger or sushi?
SUSHI!!!! Yes, please! I love sushi! It’s my comfort food! When are we going? Are you buying?

4. If I were your favorite cookie I would be what flavor?
Dark chocolate with mint chips.

5. Open your new release to any page and tell us what is happening.
Let’s see… page 213 in the word document for DECOHERENCE… Rose is stepping out into a moonlit glade with cicadas and starlight. She’s disoriented and confused, also, very angry. She is about to make a very serious mistake.

6. Heels, flats or sneakers? (or nothing at all)
Hiking sandals when it’s warm enough, otherwise I’m usually in my wellies (boots) that are good to -20 and that I really need to get ice cleats for. High heels and Alaskan ice are a bad combination unless you want to break a bone.

7. Tell us one tip you would pass on to new writers.
Let your rough draft suck and keep writing.

8. Plotter or pantster?
A punster by nature, but I’ve learned to lay a loose plot so I don’t meander too much. These days I plot out who my antagonists will be, and the four plot twists I’m writing towards. That gives me a general direction without making losing the spontaneity of pantsing.

9. What is your favorite movie or book and why?
I have so many favorites it’s hard to pick one. Let’s go with THUD! By Terry Pratchett. It has one of the best modern commentaries on racism and hate, and it’s beautifully written. Yes, there’s trolls and dwarves, but what genre fiction does best is examine our reality by restating our problems in a new way. Pratchett was a master of social commentary and he completely dismantled arguments in favour of racism and hatred and war. It really should be required reading in schools. We’d be a much more peaceful species if we all realized how much hate hurts everyone.

10. What's next on your writerly horizon?
Novellas! All the novellas! I have a new novella series starting next spring with BODIES IN MOTION from Inkprint Press, and Even Villains 4 is going to the editor this winter (in about 6 weeks so I need to write faster). And then there’s some behind-the-scenes stuff going on with a new novel series that I can’t talk about in too much detail yet. I probably won’t be able to make any formal announcements until 2017.

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4. Convergence Book Tour and Giveaway

by Michelle Grey


GENRE: Romantic Suspense



Nothing comes between Tori Whitlock and her tornado chase season -- not a serial killer, not even the hot FBI agent who’s vowed to save her life. But Detective Jack Mathis plays tough. Ending this case isn’t just his job, it’s his mission. And he finally has the advantage.

He faces Tori’s hostility and objections head-on, interjecting himself into every aspect of her life, and leaving him no time to dwell on his own.

Through the twists and turns of the madman’s game, Tori is forced to adapt to her unwelcome circumstances. Still, she fights Jack's presence, and her attraction to him, as he tries to open doors better left closed.

For Tori and Jack, life and death decisions are part of their jobs. But, can they overcome their pasts and realize that there’s a difference between life and living?


Excerpt Three:

Scooting the chair next to the bed, her pale fingers skimmed his arm as memories assailed her. Memories of smiles, of good times they’d had despite everything, and she realized just how far Jack had destroyed her defenses. She’d never let anyone in to the level she’d let him in, not even Cam.

Her shoulders shook as quiet sobs filled the room. She laid her head next to his hand, her fingers curling around his cool ones as the fear and the guilt worked its way through her heart and flowed down her cheeks.

“Thank you for saving me, but you should’ve run, Jack. You should’ve called the cops. Anything but this.”

She lifted her head and studied his face, memorizing the tiny lines around his eyes, remembering how they crinkled when he laughed. She stood and carefully traced his forehead and down the length of his jaw.

Replaying their last conversation in her head, she stumbled on the conviction in his eyes when he said they could build something amazing.

“If I knew how, I would love you.” She whispered, the words foreign on her tongue. “You made me want to believe impossible things. But, I’m a mess, Jack. You deserve so much more.”

With a shuddering sigh, Tori wiped her tears and forced her unwilling fingers to release his hand. She didn’t look back as she walked out of the room.

Michelle Grey

Tell us about your new release: Convergence is the third contemporary romantic suspense in the Long Shot Series. While each book can be read as a stand-alone (from a plot perspective), there are minor characters that overlap. Convergence is the story of troubled storm-chaser Tori Whitlock as she finds out that a serial killer has tagged her as his next victim. Jack Mathis (Garrett Staker’s best friend in Unspoken Bonds), is hot on the case, and sparks fly when these two meet.

Name three things on your desk: My office is Paris-themed in gray/black/white/red. So on my desk is a cute little black reading lamp, a small bundle of red silk roses, and a rather large 30-minute sand timer (for when I need a deadline)

What one bit of writing advice has helped you on your path to success? More than anything else, I think the most valuable thing a writer can be is humble. Listen to mentors who have had more success than you. Carefully consider advice from your writing friends and critique partners. The publishing world is enormous, and it’s quite possible that you may remain a very tiny fish in a very large pond. Be humble enough to accept that. Write the best stories possible, for all of the right reasons. And if luck visits, and you happen to find incredible success…stay humble.

If I were your favorite cookie, what kind would I be? I’m going to go with the classic Tollhouse chocolate chip cookie. Timeless.

What are you working on next? I have two projects in the works right now. One is the fourth book in the Long Shot Series, featuring Cam (Tori’s best friend from Convergence). The other is the first of a two book series about a reluctant accountant who travels to the San Juan mountains with her travel-blogger cousin and stumbles across a dead body.

AUTHOR Bio and Links:

Michelle Grey is an avid lover of books, and had always thought that someday she would take up her pen and write romantic suspense. In 2009, Michelle was diagnosed with a rare form of ovarian cancer, and she realized that “somedays” aren’t guaranteed. This life changing event motivated Michelle to pursue her dream of becoming an author. 

In January of 2013, Michelle released her debut novel, Dangerous Ally. 

In September of 2013, the next book in her Long Shot Series, Unspoken Bonds, was published.

Now a cancer survivor, Michelle decided to use her platform to promote awareness of ovarian cancer and its symptoms.  In January 2014 she published, Are You Listening: A Personal Journal of an Ovarian Cancer Survivor.

Because it is so important to spread the word, one hundred percent of the proceeds from this $.99 ebook go directly to the Vicki Welsh Ovarian Cancer Fund to support their mission of fighting ovarian cancer through awareness, education, research and support.

Michelle lives in the Midwestern US with her husband of twenty-eight years and has four amazing and unique children, a wonderful son-in-law, and two beautiful granddaughters.  Michelle believes that any day that involves family, writing, or reading is a great day, indeed.




Michelle Grey will be awarding a $50 Amazon/BN GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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5. Writers Helping Writers: Rock the Vault #RuralandUrbanSettings #thesaurus

writershelpingwriters_logo_300x300px_finalThere's nothing better than becoming lost within the story world within minutes of starting a book. And as writers, this is what we're striving to do: pull the reader in, pull them down deep into the words, make them feel like they are experiencing the story right alongside the hero or heroine.

A big part of achieving this is showing the character's surroundings in a way that is textured and rich, delivering this description through a filter of emotion and mood. It means we have to be careful with each word we choose, and describe the setting in such a way that each sight, sound, taste, texture, and smell comes alive for readers. This is no easy task, especially since it is so easy to overdo it—killing the pace, slowing the action, and worst of all, boring the reader. So how can we create a true unique experience for readers and make them feel part of the action while avoiding descriptive missteps that will hurt the story?

Well, there's some good news on this front. Two new books have released this week that may change the description game for writers. The Urban Setting Thesaurus: A Writer's Guide to City Spaces and The Rural Setting Thesaurus: A Writer's Guide to Personal and Natural Spaces look at the sights, smells, tastes, textures, and sounds that a character might experience within 225 different contemporary settings. And this is only the start of what these books offer writers. In fact, swing by and check out this hidden entry from the Urban Setting Thesaurus: Antiques Shop.

And there's one more thing you might want to know more about....

Rock_The_Vault_WHW1Becca and Angela, authors of The Emotion Thesaurus, are celebrating their double release with a fun event going on from June 13-20th called ROCK THE VAULT. At the heart of Writers Helping Writers is a tremendous vault, and these two ladies have been hoarding prizes of epic writerly proportions.

A safe full of prizes, ripe for the taking...if the writing community can work together to unlock it, of course.

Ready to do your part? Stop by Writers Helping Writers to find out more!


This book reaches into the dynamic settings of the cityscape and brings to life all the nuances that make a piece of writing truly sing. If you need help looking at place and want something to drill down into setting you need this book (and the rural one as well.) Urban Thesaurus


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6. Masked Hearts Anthology



Masked Hearts
A sweet romance anthology
By Various Authors
Publisher: Roane Publishing
Release Date: May 23, 2016
Keywords: Fantasy, romance, shifters, dragon, elves, masquerade, sweet

What secrets do the Masked Hearts hold?


Affinity by Dana Wright
Behind the shadows lies the truth…

A magic mirror and a houseful of ghosts await Kristen when fate leads her to Wanderly House. Secrets and spirits consume her days, but one look in the magic mirror and her heart falls fast. A mask, a cloak, and a key leading her to an enchanted evening in the faery garden might be Kristen's end as all that glitters may well have sharp teeth.

Magic mirror on the wall…

Connor is trapped in Faery. With only a view through a bewitched mirror to the real world, his attention is nabbed by a curious cat shifter with a ghostly following. Can he find a way to break the spell that binds him so he can reach the girl that haunts his dreams?

When the forces of Faery and Wanderly House collide, will Kristen and Connor's love be enough to save them?
Water Woman by Claire Davon
Sparks fly when a Spanish water woman, and an African two-horned horse shifter meet at a masquerade. Kimoni has gone to ask Isidora to use her skills to aid him with his ailing grandfather. When strangers claiming to be Isidora’s relatives try to force her to share her powers, the pair is plunged into danger. Isidora and Kimoni look for a way to fight the ruthless intruders, while also saving his grandfather.

Using their combined powers, they meet the challenge, all the while conscious of the growing attraction between them. It has been a long time since Isidora has met a man who calls to her as Kimoni does. The strong, handsome horse shifter sings to her senses, and she sees a matching spark in his eyes. Can love between them blossom? Can a water woman and a horse shifter find happiness together?
Dragon Law by Nemma Wollenfang
The kingdom of Baelin is under attack. A terrifying dragon rains fire down on the capital city, burning all in his path. The people’s one hope lies with the Princess Draxa, who – in accordance with an ancient rite – must willingly sacrifice her future to sate the beast’s wrath.
For her kingdom, Draxa will do it. She will leave Andre, the fierce soldier she loves with all of her heart, don her red cloak, and make the treacherous trip into the heart of the mountain, to face the monstrous Lord Siouxlian in his lair.  
Feather Fall by Sheryl Winters
Brooke Adair's autism has turned the world into a constant puzzle, especially when it comes to men. When she meets fellow swan shifter Blake Landen in a dream, though, Brooke feels a potential connection to someone who could understand her. If she lets him.

But trusting in Blake takes a whole lot more courage than Brooke has. After all, if she doesn’t take this leap, Brooke might miss out on meeting the one man she could actually learn to understand.
Duty or Desire by Sharon Hughson
Alyona Wyrden dwells contentedly in her elven realm, but when her brother disappears, she travels to Earth to bring him home.

Camden Kerr hunts down magical artifacts, keeping them out of the wrong hands. The amulet that draws Alyona to her brother is just the sort of object Cam’s after. The way his flesh responds to the lithe, blonde necklace wearer is a different matter altogether. When their paths keep crossing, Camden decides they can work together-until he discovers her elven heritage.

Can their attraction defeat prejudice? Which will rule—duty or desire?

Purchase links:

Excerpt #3 -  Dragon Law by Nemma Wollenfang

Her eyes whipped to the cavern opening. Nothing but blackness, then…a rumble, quiet at first. Then another. The ground shook until each rumble became a boom. Tiny pebbles quaked, Draxa’s breathing shallowed.

Could she see something there? Uncoiling in the darkness? Something vast and powerful and deadly?

“The flag, you fool!” the high priest commanded, flapping his arm at another guard. “Put up the flag!”

No sooner had he spoken than a white flag rose up, waving about.

Andre’s mien had grown stony and tense. Ready to fight, ready to protect. Draxa wanted to reach out, to take his hand, even in view of the priest and guards. But that would not help him fight, so she stayed the urge, clasping her hands together beneath her red robe.

Then, as if some ghastly apparition from her most terrifying nightmares had come to life, a gigantic form slithered from the shadows, larger even than any of her imaginings.

Oh, sweet heavens…

Sharp black horns jutted back on his head, his hide was an array of ruby scales, and his eyes were of a black so deep that no abyss could compare.

In a tremulous voice, the high priest called out, “Oh great and p-powerful Siouxlian! M-mighty Dragon Lord. We come here under a b-banner of t-truce!”

About the author:

Nemma is a prize-winning steampunk short story writer, whose works have appeared in several publications, including: Gothic Fantasy Science Fiction Short Stories (Flame Tree Publishing, 2015), A Bleak New World (Raven International Publishing, 2015), and Come Into the House (Corazon Books, 2015). One of her unpublished novels has been shortlisted in three different novel awards. Another won first place in the Retreat West First Chapter Competition. An MSc postgraduate of Vector Biology and Parasitology, she has studied at Keele, Salford, and Manchester Universities. She also volunteers at an animal rescue.

Nemma can be found on facebook and twitter: @NemmaW. Anthologies she has contributed to are on Amazon and Goodreads.


Tour Schedule



A $10 Roane Publishing gift card

Open only to those who can legally enter, receive and use an Amazon.com Gift Code.  No purchase necessary, but you must be 18 or older to enter. The winner will be chosen by rafflecopter, and announced on the widget. Winner well be notified by emailed and have 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be chosen. The number of entries received determines the odds of winning. Giveaway was organized by Roane Publishing's marketing department.

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7. The Purse Book Blast

The Purse
by Julie A. Burns


GENRE: Mystery Thriller



When Lydia Blackwell visits her dying father for the last time, he reveals the deeply hidden truth about her mother. After the funeral, the stranger Derek Meade gifts her with a gorgeous antique purse. But before she has the chance to connect with the man who knew her father intimately, Lydia finds Derek murdered in his home.

Lieutenant Sonja MacIntosh is assigned to investigate Mr. Meade’s death, but her career on the force never prepared her for Lydia Blackwell. As Sonja works to solve the murder, Lydia takes the greatest risk of her life in leaving Chicago to search for clues to her mother’s past. Their instant attraction surprises them both, but even through the chaos Lydia can’t deny the intensity of her feelings for the strong willed Lieutenant.

Lydia’s possession of the antique purse throws her already chaotic life into a whirlwind of kidnapping, blackmail, vengeful mob bosses, and mind-numbing revelations. Through it all, Lydia must find the strength to accept herself – and those closest to her – despite their darkest secrets.


Excerpt Two:

As she walked into the bedroom, the smell of her father’s cologne lingered even through all the sickness that had been in the air. Stepping over to the deep walk-in closet, Lydia opened the double doors to reveal her father’s suits, ties, and shoes. She made a mental note to have Rosita donate her father’s clothes so they didn’t hang like a shrine. She stared at every inch of the closet until her eyes fell on a small shoebox buried on the top shelf. Lydia retrieved the step-ladder from within a hidden compartment in the closet’s wall and stood on it to pull down the shoebox. Without thinking, she strolled over to her father’s bed, sat down, and went through all the memories kept in the cardboard box.

Many were just baby pictures of Lydia, and then she discovered a picture of her mother when she was pregnant. How beautiful she was; she looked so happy and carefree. What in the world could have happened? More questions, no answers. Lydia decided to keep the picture with her. Digging deeper yet into the box, she also found pictures of her father and Derek together. They made a handsome couple, though it was still difficult to believe her father had been involved with a man. At least true love hadn’t escaped him as she’d previously thought.


AUTHOR Bio and Links:

Julie A. Burns is a native Iowan born in Marshalltown, Iowa and raised in Davenport, Iowa. After her parent’s divorce at age 7, she took to writing, whether it was her diary or poems about people she met or situations that bothered her. After graduating from high school in 1983, she spent time working as a Nurse’s Aide in different nursing homes in Iowa. In 1989, she gave birth to a daughter, Brittany and raised her as a single parent. In the same year, she enrolled at Iowa State University in Ames, Iowa. She graduated with a Bachelor’s Degree in Sociology in 1994. Since then, Julie has spent time working with developmentally disabled adults and the mentally ill throughout Iowa and also in Wyoming, where she lived for 6 years. Julie currently lives in Waterloo, Iowa with her spouse. When she’s not writing, she enjoys being a grandmother to 3 year old Sophie.




Julie will be awarding 1 printed book of The Purse or 2 ebooks (The Purse and a second of their choice) from RRPI to a randomly drawn winner (international) via rafflecopter during the tour.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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8. Murder at Morningside Tour and Giveaway

Murder at Morningside
by Sandra Bretting


GENRE: Cozy Mystery



Hat designer Missy DuBois opened her shop, Crowning Glory, along Louisiana's Great River Road to cater to the sophisticated Southern bride. But bless her heart, who knew creating stylish wedding veils would lead to murder?


Excerpt Two:

Before Beatrice could say more, the front door flew open and in stomped an elderly gentleman. He was on the verge of a good old-fashioned hissy fit.

“Y’all don’t deserve a say in this wedding!” he said to a young woman who’d slunk in behind him.

The girl looked to be the right age for his daughter. She wore flip-flops and a wrinkled peasant blouse, and she buried her head in her hands. Well, that lifted the blouse an inch or two and exposed her bare stomach.

Lorda mercy. It seemed the girl and her fiancé must have eaten supper before they said grace, as we said here in the South, because an unmistakable bump appeared under her top. She looked to be about four months along, give or take a few weeks, and I could see why her daddy wasn’t too happy with her right about now.

After a piece, she lifted her chin and glared at him. “I hate you!” Her voice rippled as cold as the river water that ran nearby. “I wish you were dead.” She stalked away.

I fully expected the man to cringe, or at least follow her. Instead, he merely glanced our way and shrugged. After a minute, he pivoted on the spectacle he’d caused and casually strolled away, leaving a bit of frost in the air.

“Oh my. Why don’t we continue,” Beatrice said.

Poor Beatrice. She obviously wanted to divert our attention elsewhere. It couldn’t have been every day one of her hotel guests wished another guest was dead. She hustled us farther into the ballroom, as if nothing had happened, all the while explaining the history of Morningside Plantation.

Follow the tour:



AUTHOR Bio and Links:

Sandra Bretting works as a freelance feature writer under contract to the Houston Chronicle. She received a journalism degree from the University of Missouri School of Journalism and wrote for other publications (including the Los Angeles Times and Orange Coast Magazine) before moving to Texas.

Her Missy DuBois Mysteries series debuts from Kensington/Lyrical Underground in May 2016. Bretting’s previous mysteries include Unholy Lies (2012) and Bless the Dying (2014). Readers can reach her online at www.sandrabretting.com and through Facebook at www.facebook.com/sandra.bretting.

Buy Links:

BN: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/murder-at-morningside-sandra-bretting/1122597549?ean=9781601837134

Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Murder-Morningside-Missy-DuBois-Mystery-ebook/dp/B014NWMHEW/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1454084755&sr=8-1&keywords=murder+at+morningside



Sandra will be awarding a $20 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour, and a $20 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn host.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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9. Dancing With the Flame: Poems by Jamieson Wolf

Dancing with the Flame
Jamieson Wolf

Third collected works of poetry  *  212 pages
Author Bio:
Jamieson has been writing since a young age when he realized he could be writing instead of paying attention in school. Since then, he has created many worlds in which to live his fantasies and live out his dreams.
He is a Number One Best Selling Author (He likes to tell people that a lot) and writes in many different genre’s. Jamieson is also an accomplished artist. He works in mixed media, charcoal and pastels. He is also something of an amateur photographer, a poet and graphic designer. 
He currently lives in Ottawa Ontario Canada with his cat, Tula, who is fearless. 
Social Media Links:
Following the Number One Best Sellers, Talking to the Sky and Talking with the Earth, Dancing with the Flame contains poems that are part memoir and part journey towards self-love.
They are Wolf’s attempt to not only find balance but to love all parts of himself, even those that are most difficult to love. 
They are a testament to the strength of the human spirit. The poems show us that whatever life throws at us, with courage anything is possible.
With unflinching honesty, Wolf talks about disease, sexuality, physical disability and the healing power of love.
Buy Links:


What I Had Become

When the New Year began,
I looked into the mirror.
I saw a reflection of myself
from long ago. I was
lying on a bed, weak,
my whole world changed.
I watched as my reflection
lifted a hand and beckoned to me.
“Come on.”
He said.
I touched a hand to the glass
and it was as if
there was no glass there.
The veil between the present
and the past was thin.
I stepped through the mirror
and found myself in a place
that I remembered but fought
so hard to forget.
It was dark and there was only
one small light in the room.
Even so, by that light I saw
who I used to be lying
on the bed, my past self,
my other self. He regarded me,
and I looked at him.
I remembered that day,
how the night before the New Year
my life had changed forever,
never to be the same again.
I knew just how he was feeling
as I had been him, he had been me.
He was weak and disoriented,
unable to walk very well at all,
his whole world seeming to
move around him, unable to keep still.
He regarded me with tired eyes,
the fear in them so total.
He knew that something was wrong.
“You forgot about me.”
He said.
“You forgot our anniversary.”
It was true. I had forgotten.
Every year since that day,
I always wondered if this
would be the year that it happened,
the year where I lost control
of my body once more.
For a while, I lived in fear
of December 31st, of who I had been
and of what I had become on that day.
“I’m sorry,”
I said.
“I did forget. I did forget you.”
He asked.
“Because I left you behind. Because I’m so much stronger now. So much happier.”
He regarded me with a blank expression,
the fear increasing in his eyes until
they were full of tears.
“I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I’m so afraid.”
“I know,”
I said kindly.
I sat on the bed beside him and took his hand
in my own. It was cool and sweaty and
I remembered how warm I’d been,
how nothing had felt right,
and how my own body had turned against me.
“You’ll have to be strong,”
I said.
“There is a lot more pain coming, but you’ll have to be stronger than you’ve ever been. Can you do that for me?”
“I don’t know how.”
“You don’t, but you’ll learn. There will come a moment when you’ll want to quit, where you’ll want to give up and head towards the darkness. But I promise you, good times are coming.”
He looked at me with such
an open expression, one of yearning
for something better. I remembered
wearing that look, wishing and hoping
so fiercely that it was painful.
he said.
I heard my partner calling me from
the other side of the mirror,
his deep voice making the liquid glass
move in ripples. I took one last look
at who I used to be and patted his hand,
leaned forward to kiss him on the forehead.
“I have to go now.”
“I know you do. Don’t forget me, okay?”
“I won’t, I promise.”
With that, I stood and moved towards the glass.
When I stepped through the glass,
I left behind what I had been
and into what I had

1.     How did you get started writing?

I’ve always been a writer. I wrote as a child, mostly stories, since I was eight or as soon as I was able to string words together. I was nineteen when I decided to make it a profession.

2.     Name three things on your desk right now.

A Tarot guidebook, my cup of coffee in a Harry Potter mug and a statue of Buddha.

3.     Hamburger or sushi?

Always sushi!

4.     If I were your favorite cookie I would be what flavor?

Macadamia and white chocolate without question!

5.     Open your new release to any page and tell us what is happening.

It’s a poem called Floating on a Sea of Stars. Here it is:

Floating on a Sea of Stars

I walked into
the room and
tried not to
shiver. The hospital
was cold, especially
so in my
gown with my
back exposed for
all to see.
The technician smiled
weakly at me.
It was late
and who knew
how many MRI’s
she still had
left to do.
She gestured to
the machine, sitting
larger than life
in the middle
of the room.
“Here are your ear plugs. And you even get a little party hat.”
She handed me
a disposable cap
that kept the
machine sterile. She
gestured again at
the MRI machine.
“I want you to lay down, putting your head here in this rest. I’m also going to prop a pillow under your legs.”
I nodded and
hefted myself up
onto the table.
I lay down
as she helped
me guide myself
into the proper
position. She attached
the camera that
would take close
pictures of my
head and neck.
This was the
moment I always
began to lose
it a little.
I felt I
was being shut
into a cage,
with no exit.
“Try not to move while the MRI is on.”
She said. I
knew I would
be able to
hear her voice
once I was
in the machine.
I nodded and
the table slid
into the long
metallic tube. My eyes
were closed and
despite whatever bravery
I possessed, my
eyes watered with
a few tears.
I opened them
and blinked a
few times to
chase the tears
away. It was
then that I
noticed the stars.
Someone had stuck
stars on the
inside of the
tube. I looked
at them and
marveled at the
sight of such
a happy thing
here. I heard
the clicks of
0 Comments on Dancing With the Flame: Poems by Jamieson Wolf as of 1/1/1900
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10. Valentine Pets and Kisses Book Blast and Giveaway #sweetromance #pets #kisses

Valentines Pets and Kisses
by K.L. Brady, J.L. Campbell, Suzette Riddick


Join the authors at the release day party today and say you were sent by Goddess Fish Promotions!  https://www.facebook.com/events/1648008515464074/

GENRE: Romance (sweet)



Something for Everyone!

Each story features a sweet romance, tender kisses and hugs, and precocious pets—all brought to you by USA Today bestselling, national/international bestselling, and award winning authors who have crafted heartwarming heroes and heroines that will make you laugh, cry, swoon, and sigh.

Candy and canines. Flowers and felines. Celebrate this Valentine's Day with your sweethearts of the human and fuzzy varieties!

Nothing is more heart-warming than kisses from the pet who adores you and the man who loves you, so snuggle up with VALENTINE PETS & KISSES and strike the perfect mood for moonlit walks and candlelight dinners with your pet and sweetheart.

Valentine Hound Dog  - Rachelle Ayala
Fashion icon Jenna Hart, along with her basset hound puppy, tries to convince a burned former fireman that beauty is never skin deep and love's arrow strikes not only the beautiful, but the bold.

The Crazy Girl’s Handbook - DelSheree Gladden
Spending the weekend babysitting her two nephews and a puppy was supposed to be fun. Sweating to death at a baseball game while getting gum in her hair, soda down her shirt, and an ice cream pedicure wasn't part of the deal. Neither was finding out the best guy she'd ever missed a blind date with had witnessed it all. Longest. Weekend. Ever. 
The Vet's Valentine Gift - J.L. Campbell
Matthias Laing has snagged the woman of his dreams, but his job as a vet keeps getting him into trouble. The situation is past complicated because of the growing assortment of animals in Toni's house and to top it all, the conflict between Matthias and her ex-husband. Can Matthias and Toni's budding romance survive their challenges and if it doesn't, will Jade, her precocious five-year-old find a way to play Cupid and fix things by Valentine's Day?

Her Perfect Catch - K.L. Brady
Nerdy, struggling sports writer Melanie Vincent needs a miracle when her dream of running a nationally recognized blog hits a snag due to low readership. After Mel is gifted a pair of Super Bowl tickets for years of faithful dog sitting, she has a chance encounter with her favorite football player that leads to the inside scoop on the biggest story of her career...and maybe the love of a lifetime.

Inflamed - Jade Kerrion
Debra Martinez doesn’t believe in happy endings, until Sean Orr, Havre de Grace’s newest firefighter, shows her and her son, Aidan, a new and beautiful kind of “normal.” But the happiness can’t last—not for Sean who is on the run from his own past.

Remember When - Hope Welsh
Laura and Brent really tried to make their marriage work, but in the end, it just wasn't meant to be. Or was it? When they meet to discuss joint custody of their Akita, they discover they have much more to talk about other than the dog.

Your Biggest Fan? - Sydney Aaliyah Michelle
 Noah Patrick, NFL bad boy, has sworn off women, who only seem to want him for his fame and his money. Callie James is such a big Noah Patrick fan, she named her energetic Chihuahua after the man of her dreams. When they find themselves hiding out in the same Brooklyn Brownstone, a crazy blizzard, a never-ending supply of spaghetti, and a dog with identity issues bring them together even though they both have secrets that would tear them apart.

The Feline Fix - Caroline Bell Foster
Meeting Police Constable Callum Forde on the worse day of her life, makes cat lover and scientist Wendy Wilde question all that she values, her cat’s loyalty and the role science plays in love.

Trembling Hearts - Suzette Riddick
Recluse Jason Carr is living in rural Virginia after an accident leaves him physically scarred. While taking a stroll and minding his business, the spunky Lezlie Sharpe literally crashes into his life, stealing the heart of his beloved pooch, Trooper. Now, forced to share living quarters, will Lezlie capture Jason’s heart too?

Valentino, Be Mine - Tina D.C. Hayes
Kaylee Rose is thrilled when a neighbor moving out of the country asks if she'll consider taking in her teacup Yorkie, Valentino, but there are a few strings attached. When she finds out a man she can't stand is the other caretaker, she's forced to deal with the arrogant jerk until they decide who gets the pampered pooch permanently . . . or risk losing the dog to a heartbreaking fate.

Lost and Found - Jeanne Bannon
Lexie is so distraught after long-time boyfriend, Josh, dumps her, she takes a leave of absence from her teaching job. Josh leaves behind the puppy he bought for her just before things fell apart even though she’s not a dog person. Lexie contemplates giving it away but decides keep the little mischief-maker and get her some training. 

While at puppy obedience school, Lexie meets Tommy, the happy-go-lucky type she could give her heart to if only she was ready. But Lexie gives Tommy the brush off and they lose touch. However, a series of events, some unfortunate, bring them together again.

Surviving San Francisco - Susan Oloier
When 23-year-old Leah Newland accepts a job in San Francisco and runs away from her small-town Illinois life, she expects things to change for the better. What she doesn’t expect is to lose her job, adopt a cat she hit with her car, and fall for a sexy and seemingly unavailable veterinarian. Suddenly, going back to the Midwest seems better than surviving San Francisco.                                                  

19 Ivy Lane - Aubrey Wynne
Eloise Kolby steps off the bus and greets Hollywood with high expectations and a smile. Two months later, she’s broke, hungry and rethinking her dream. An offer to house sit provides her with too much time alone, an adopted family of kittens and a sexy postman waiting at her gate.

Victor Burnham can’t stop thinking of the beautiful, mysterious woman who just moved into his hometown. She meets him each day at the mailbox, waiting for a letter. 
When the envelope finally arrives, they both must face decisions that could make their dreams come true or jeopardize their relationship forever.  

Three Plus Three - Cindy Flores Martinez
A year after losing her husband, a grieving widow, Violet, and their beloved bichon frise visit their favorite place the day before Valentine's Day. While they are there, Violet meets a handsome widower who makes her feel alive again.


Excerpt Three:

Trembling Hearts by Suzette Riddick

Restless, Tremaine tossed and turned for hours. Still shaken up over the harsh words hurled back and forth between the two most important men in her universe, sleep eluded her. The ringing doorbell accompanied by the loud knocking hadn’t disturbed her.

She nudged her snoring husband. “Bernard…Bernard…Bernard!”

Startled he jolted from his sleep. “What is it dear?” He sleepily answered as his lids began to close only to be snapped opened by the persistent banging.

“Someone’s at the door.”

The couple stuffed their feet into slippers, quickly grabbing their robes. She followed closely on her husband’s heels. Her fingers fumbled at tying the thin fabric belt around her waist. A sickening feeling formed in the pit of her stomach. Who in the world could be at their door at this hour? And why would they travel so far up the rural road leading to their home?

The sickening feeling dug deeper when Bernard opened the door to find Sheriff Dougherty on the other side. She instinctively reached for her husband’s hand. In the dark, the sorrowful look in the sheriff’s blue eyes was unmistakable.

“Bernard, Tremaine…there’s been an accident. It’s Jason. You folks need to get to the hospital right away.” The sheriff hesitated before adding, “He’s in bad shape.”


AUTHOR Bio and Links:

Rachelle Ayala From romantic suspense to sweet contemporaries, I write from my heart and love to include children and pets in my stories. 

Website: http://www.rachelleayala.com/ 
Twitter: @AyalaRachelle
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/clare.chu

DelSheree Gladden is a USA Today bestselling young adult and romance author, whose writing includes everything from dystopian and Native American mythology to sweet and funny romances.

Website:  http://delshereegladden.com/
Twitter:  @DelSheree
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AuthorDelShereeGladden

J.L. Campbell is an award-winning author who writes sweet romance, romantic suspense, women's fiction, new and young adult novels.

Website:  http://www.joylcampbell.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/JL_Campbell
Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/jlcampbellwrites

K.L. Brady is a multi-award-winning author of sweet and sexy romantic comedies, young adult romance, and a spy thriller series based on her career in U.S. intelligence.

Website:  http://klbradyauthor.com/
Twitter:  https://twitter.com/KARLAB27

Jade Kerrion writes frequently award-winning, occasionally best-selling science fiction, fantasy, and contemporary romance novels.

Website: http://jadekerrion.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/jadekerrion
Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/JadeKerrion

Sydney Aaliyah MIchelle is a contemporary romance writer, a voracious reader and movie fanatic who hails from Texas.

Website: http://sydneyaaliyah.com/
Twitter:  http://twitter.com/sydliyah
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SydneyAaliyahMichelle/

Caroline Bell Foster writes contemporary women’s fiction with themes of substance that defy convention.

Website: http://www.carolinebellfoster.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/cbellfoster
Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/carolinebellfoster

Suzette Riddick is a wife, mother and nurse practitioner who enjoys writing romance novels with a touch of reality.

Website: http://suzetteriddick.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/suzette267
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/suzetteriddickromanceroom/

Tina D.C. Hayes writes romantic suspense and cozy mysteries while her pampered pooches and parrots stand guard against writer's block.

Website:  https://tinadchayes.wordpress.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/@Tina_DC_Hayes/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TinaDCHayesAuthor/

Jeanne Bannon is an international best-selling author of paranormal and romance fiction with twenty-five years of experience in the publishing industry.

Website: http://www.jeannebannon.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/@jeannebannon
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Jeanne-Bannon/182120961844916?fref=ts

Susan Oloier is a mother and educator who writes memoir, as well as adult and young adult contemporary fiction.

Website: http://www.susanoloier.com/
Twitter: @narrawriter
Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/AuthorSusanOloier/

Aubrey Wynne is an elementary teacher by trade, champion of children and animals by conscience, and author by night.

Website: http://aubreywynneauthor.com/
Twitter:  https://twitter.com/Aubreywynne51
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/magnificentvalor/

Cindy Flores Martinez writes sweet romantic comedy and inspirational romance in both English and Spanish.

Website:  http://www.cindyfloresmartinez.com/
Twitter:  https://twitter.com/AuthorCindy
Facebook:  http://www.facebook.com/cindy.floresmartinez

Book Sale Links
Kindle US: http://bit.ly/VPKK
Kindle UK: http://bit.ly/VPKUK
Kobo: http://bit.ly/VPKKobo
Google Play: http://bit.ly/VPKGp
Apple: http://bit.ly/VPKiBk
Barnes & Noble Nook: http://bit.ly/VPKNok
Website Links



The authors will be awarding a $10 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour. Additionally, Goddess Fish Productions will be awarding a $5 Amazon GC to a randomly drawn host.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

0 Comments on Valentine Pets and Kisses Book Blast and Giveaway #sweetromance #pets #kisses as of 2/2/2016 4:55:00 AM
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11. A Snowy White Christmas

A Snowy White Christmas
by Josie Riviera


GENRE:  Contemporary Romance (sweet)



Margaret Snow doesn’t believe in fairy tales, but as a devoted mother she’s determined to give her five-year-old daughter a Christmas filled with heart-warming memories.

The once successful LA swimsuit model returns to her small upstate New York town to buy back the foreclosed trailer she once called home. Her menagerie of rescue animals travel with her.

She doesn’t expect to see her former high school sweetheart, the athletic, ever-popular, and decisive Fernando Brandt.

Sparks fly when she realizes that the teenage hockey star is now a successful Realtor who is also interested in her dilapidated trailer for reasons of his own.

But can she resist the handsome, charismatic Prince Charming a second time?

And can she surrender her insecurities and accept the true gift of Christmas, finally feeling worthy of unconditional love?


Excerpt Three:

Once upon a time they’d planned to celebrate the Christmas after high school graduation as husband and wife. A Christmas wedding, her resplendent in a white velvet gown and carrying a bouquet of deep red roses, a tiara in her hair. Sure, he’d done most of the planning, but she had agreed, hadn’t she? She’d called him Prince, adding a different name depending on the circumstances of the day—Prince Polite, Prince Pleasant, he’d heard them all.

And then she’d left him. It was as if she’d slapped him across the face, when in reality the hurt hadn’t set in immediately. He’d been a damn, besotted fool. The first letter he’d written her after she’d left him cold was filled with outraged pride. The others had been demanding and then pleading, something he never thought he’d do.

His thoughts flew back to their senior year, when he’d asked his hockey buddies to clear tires and debris from her front lawn one Saturday afternoon. When he’d stepped into her trailer’s run down foyer and inhaled the smell of stale cigarettes, he’d had to push unexpected tears from his eyes. She’d been furious, shouting at him to be a man, not a baby. Her life didn’t bother her, so it shouldn’t bother him.

But it did bother her.

He’d seen the shame in her face and the sheen of tears, and had realized the humiliation she must have felt. And he knew, even then, that she was extraordinary and he didn’t deserve her. She was as precious as a rare diamond, and he’d wanted to keep her close and safe. Otherwise, he might lose her. And she’d left. He’d lost her. A year passed before he’d placed his feet back on the ground and decided to move forward without her.

And then he’d heard she was back in town.


This book looks great! I love a new twist on an old fairy tale.

AUTHOR Bio and Links:

Amazon Bestselling Author, Josie Riviera, is a member of Romance Writers of America (RWA). She writes contemporary and historical sweet and Christian romances. She’s a transplanted New Yorker now living in the sunny Carolinas. She has three grown children and shares the empty nest with her husband and the family dog.

Josie's an expert at board games and a compulsive reader of every genre, especially romance. In her spare time, she eats Peppermint Patties because they're lower in calories than other chocolate candy.

You can email her at [email protected]

She ALWAYS answers.

Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/Josie.Riviera

 Tweet me at@Josieriviera

Visit my blog, The Italian Blog, for recipes and updates at josieriviera.wordpress.com

Other Books by Josie Riviera:

Seeking Patience (Regency) http://tinyurl.com/a9nnbwy

Seeking Catherine (Tudor Novella) http://tinyurl.com/9cka84m

We'd Rather be Writing http://amzn.com/B01638N5PO

Lightning Strikes http://amzn.com/B0090MXP0Q


Josie will be awarding a $10 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour, and a $10 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn host.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

0 Comments on A Snowy White Christmas as of 12/16/2015 4:03:00 AM
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12. Texas Twister by Dana Wright


Texas Twister (Blue Moon Chronicles) by Dana Wright - Romance>Fantasy
Sometimes love finds you in the darkest places.
Magdalay Rousseau is having a bad day. She can't find the charging cable to her laptop, and when she goes into her husband's office to look for it, she discovers he's been cheating on her. She decides to hire a private investigator to dig into her husband's secrets, but what the detective discovers about her turns her world upside-down.
Carter Zusak is a private detective--and a cat shifter. When a new client shows up, he's almost certain she's a flake. What kind of woman writes romance novels and owns a shop selling supplies for witches? He's sure she's got a bat or two loose in her belfry--until he delves deeper into her case. No one in her life is what they seem, and Magdalay has just put herself in danger more insidious than he ever imagined. Something about this witch sets his heart on fire. But he'll have to figure out a way to save her before they both get burned...

Buy links:
Barnes & Noble: http://goo.gl/hEkooJ

Published By: Etopia Press
Published: Oct 27, 2015
ISBN # 9781944138158
Pages: 99

blue moon chronicles, cat shifter, cisgender, dana wright, etopia press, fantasy romance, ghost, heterosexual, magic, male / female, paranormal, paranormal / horror, paranormal romance, private detective, private investigator, shapeshifter, shifters, shifters / cats, shifters / felines, supernatural, witch, wizard / witch / mystic



Magdalay Rousseau stared at her lifeless laptop and groaned. It wouldn’t turn on. Again. So much for a lasting battery. Already irritated from lack of sleep, she pressed the on button one more time and tried to recall where she’d left the charger. It should be in the little plastic bag she usually kept next to her laptop, but it wasn’t.
“Great. I can’t believe this. I ought to just spell you and be done with it.”
She growled and pushed herself up from the small space at the kitchen table. Perhaps it was in her work bag in the foyer. She hated resorting to magic when real world solutions worked just fine. It had been a point of contention with her mother for years. Besides, she wasn’t very good at it. Wish for rain and get a flood in her kitchen. That was her life right now.
Magdalay peered into the bag.
“Oh. This is just getting better and better.”
Magdalay spun on her heel and considered her next move. She had a deadline for her publisher, and today would be her only day off with no distractions until next week. Not that she could focus anyway. Not with the antics Russ was pulling lately. Her mind kept circling him like a dog with a bone.
He’d been out with the boys from the club, but something in the back of her mind kept digging at her. Their poker games didn’t last that long. Neither did their dinners at the club, which she now refused to attend. Not after the last time with his uppity friends and their equally unpleasant wives. She didn’t fit in with the country club scene, and that was more than all right with her.
Russ hadn’t come home—again—by the time her head hit the pillow last night at midnight. It was becoming par for the course. Magdalay couldn’t concentrate on anything and that included leaving her damn charging cable someplace. She could swear it was next to her workstation last night when she went to bed, but she could have been dreaming. She couldn’t remember, and that just pissed her off, making her already foul mood even more noxious.
“Did you wash my pants?” Russ called out from the bedroom, his voice lacking any of the warmth she used to receive from him.
“Yes,” she ground out, barely containing her urge to demand where the hell he’d been all damned night. It didn’t do any good. He never answered her anyway. “They’re folded on the dryer.”
Her husband, Russ, clad in a blue pullover shirt and tighty-whities bolted from their bedroom down the short hall toward the laundry room. The door opened and shut, and she caught a streak of blue out of the corner of her eye but no acknowledgement or thank you.
Next time she ought to let his clothes just pile up and see what happened. Well…she took that back. A week ago, she’d been too busy to keep up with the laundry and he’d shaken her awake after a long day at the shop and writing, demanding to know when she would get around to it. The icy stare was enough to motivate her into preemptive action. She’d never been afraid of her husband before that night, but things had changed between them at an alarming rate.
She poured the water into the coffeepot and flipped on the switch, sighing as the rich aroma of the Columbian blend pervaded the kitchen. It was still early, and she’d spent a sleepless night tossing and turning and imagining his car wrapped around a pole or worse. The man hadn’t come home until after two. At least that was the last time she recalled on the blinking clock on the nightstand. Russ hadn’t even had the decency to let her know where he was or if he was OK. Magdalay didn’t remember him sneaking in. She’d tried to stay awake so she could talk to him or at least give him a piece of her mind, but she must have drifted off in a wave of jittery exhaustion.
Last night had just been the latest in a long line of whatever was happening in their marriage and fixing it was becoming a pipe dream. He’d grown more and more distant over the past three months and she didn’t know what had gone wrong. Well…except for her working. He hated the hours she spent away from home, but with her mother’s passing, Broomstix had become hers. The irony wasn’t lost on her. A witch who didn’t want to be, or worse yet, was terrible at it.
She thought back to her mother’s last days and the love she had for her trusty cat, Jules. They’d been inseparable.
“You need a familiar, love. Sometimes having someone at your back and by your side is the most powerful magic in the world.”
Magdalay’s lips twisted and she sighed. It wasn’t like she hadn’t tried. Every cat she’d gotten went missing in a matter of days. When she’d gone to Russ about the missing animals, he’d had nothing to say. Frustrating wasn’t even half the word for it. Perhaps she wasn’t cut out for animals. Then she thought all she needed was her soul mate. That would have to be enough. She’d always thought Russ was that person, but more and more, she sensed a tremendous gulf between them, and it left her hollow inside.
Last month she’d been at the stitching circle and each of the ladies was practicing poppet magic. The little cloth dolls danced and frolicked in anticipation of whatever task they were intended for. Hers lay there, looking still and unresponsive. It was to be a creative muse for her magic. She figured if she could cast a spell and have a poppet work on some of her overdue plot lines and synopses, she’d be ahead of the game. No such luck.
The stitching circle, full of her mother’s old friends, thought it was hilarious. Now on top of her writing schedule, it was her responsibility to keep Broomstix going. People depended on her, and she was trying to learn as much as she could. Gaining the knowledge she needed wasn't going as smooth as she’d like.
Her gaze raked the cluttered counter where her husband paid bills and recoiled. No way was she touching that. “Not a chance.” Then she remembered Russ had the same model laptop she did. She could borrow his charger and pick hers up tomorrow when she went back into work. Problem solved.
“I’m out. See you tonight,” came the clipped response from the front hallway followed by the slamming of the decorative lead glass door. He hadn’t even come into the kitchen. Not even for coffee.
“Wow.” Now she knew he was avoiding her and likely hiding something. Magdalay shook her head, the bitterness of her new reality sliding down her stomach like a Ping Pong ball. His behavior stung, and she didn’t know what to make of it. She moved down the hall, her linen nightgown floating around her legs. In the Texas heat, it helped to have something comfortable and the Eileen West nightgowns were her guilty pleasure. Goddess knew she needed something.
She paused in the doorway to his office and sighed. Goddess, she hated invading his space. Maybe the charger was right out in the open and she could snap it up and be out before she disturbed anything of importance. Then she saw it. Propped on a pile of paperwork next to his computer was her small, holiday design-covered Ziploc bag with her cord dangling off the desk over the top of it.
“What the heck?” Her lips slid into a frown and she unclenched her hands. He took it. Probably to do the same thing she’d been about to do, but at least she would have replaced his where she found it as soon as she was done. She reached down to pick up the bag and wind up the charging cord, and her hand brushed the mouse on his desk, the darkened screen erupting to life. His e-mail was up. She wouldn’t have stopped save for the name on the screen.
Slowly, Magdalay lowered herself into the chair and began to read. She hadn’t meant to intrude on his privacy. They’d always respected each other enough to be honest. At least she’d always thought so. But with every line she read, the trust she believed her marriage was based on was revealed to be nothing more than a lie.
She hated wives who resorted to sneaking into their husband’s phone records and all of those things to find out what they’d been up to. Now, here she was, and she didn’t have a clue what to do about it. What was done was done and couldn’t be taken back. One e-mail turned into two. Two turned into a dozen, and at that point she had to stop, the contents of her stomach churning like wildfire in her gut.
Fuck me. Fuck me like you did in your office.
I want it all.
You motherfucker.
Tears stung her eyes. There was no other explanation was there? It was all laid out in black and white. The only thing missing was a frigging video of them fornicating. Her stomach lurched.
The lump in her throat threatened to overtake her, and she had to pause and take a deep breath. Her mother’s absence was a raw and gaping wound. Eleanor would have known what to do, but Magdalay was frozen with indecision. Her thoughts turned to the ladies in her stitching circle. They met once a month but it wasn’t scheduled until next week. Goddess, but she sure could use some comfort now. Or at least, a sounding board for her fury. Her fingertips itched to zot the fucker but no…not yet. Not that she was fully capable, but her circle was. She’d seen it time and again.
But the emails…she read the last line again.
I want to run my fingers down your long, long legs and part your… She had to stop. Nausea threatened to overwhelm her once again.
“You cheating bastard,” she whispered. She had to be sure. It was possible it was only emails. In her heart, she knew that was a lie. Magdalay stood, her knees shaking and made her way out of Russ’s office to her work space in the kitchen. She hooked up the laptop to the charger and shoved the plug into the wall.
Magdalay considered her options. She could wait and confront him when he got home. Whenever that would be.
Or she could hex him where he stood and watch as his dick shriveled up and fell off. A tiny smile twitched at the corner of her lips at the idea. If only. With her luck, she’d turn him into an overlarge piece of beef jerky and have to explain that one to the police.
Not a good idea. Her magic was unpredictable at best. She’d hid it from him, not wanting to go there. It wasn’t her fault she was born a witch. It was her choice whether or not to use it. If something needing a spell came up, she waited until her hubby was off doing engineer things or sleeping in front of the television. Proof. She needed more proof. The laptop whirled to life and she pulled up her search engine.
What about a private detective? She had a little mad money put aside for the dress she wanted for the romance writer’s convention in a few months. Magdalay had no idea what the detective would cost, but she had to know. With unblinking eyes she typed, private investigator Spinnaker, Texas then she closed her eyes, rolled the mouse, and clicked on the Blue Moon Detective Agency.

About the author:

Dana Wright has always had a fascination with things that go bump in the night. She is often found playing at local bookstores, trying not to maim herself with crochet hooks or knitting needles, watching monster movies with her husband and furry kids or blogging about books. More commonly, she is chained to her computers, writing like a woman possessed. She is currently working on several children's stories, young adult fiction, romantic suspense, short stories and is trying her hand at poetry. She is a contributing author to Ghost Sniffer’s CYOA, Siren’s Call E-zine in their “Women in Horror” issue in February 2013 and "Revenge" in October 2013, a contributing author to Potatoes!, Fossil Lake, Of Dragons and Magic: Tales of the Lost Worlds, Undead in Pictures, Potnia, Shadows and Light, Dark Corners (upcoming), Wonderstruck, Shifters: A Charity Anthology, Dead Harvest, Monster Diaries, Holiday Horrors and the Roms, Bombs and Zoms Anthology from Evil Girlfriend Media. She is the author of Asylum, The Invitation and Texas Twister.   Dana has also reviewed music for Muzikreviews.com specializing in New Age and alternative music and has been a contributing writer to Eternal Haunted Summer, Massacre Magazine, Metaphor Magazine, The Were Traveler October 2013 edition: The Little Magazine of Magnificent Monsters, the December 2013 issue The Day the Zombies Ruled the Earth. She currently reviews music at New Age Music Reviews and Write a Music Review.

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13. The Jock and the Fat Girl

The Jock and the Fat Chick
Nicole Winters

Debut Romance Novel  *  250 pages  *  HarperCollins
YA / NA. Mild swearing. No explicit sex.
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Author Bio:

Nicole Winters:
Born into a literary family.
Could write before speaking.
Spent childhood in sunshiny green meadows devouring highbrow literary works.


More like she was told that C-average, learning disabled students couldn’t possibly grow up to be writers.

Nicole proved them wrong.


English B.A. from the University of Toronto. Loves cats, books, horror films, globe hopping and home-baked cookies. Had once been spotted wearing a sundress.

Cool dudes and motorcycles: TT Full Throttle
Hot guys and romance: The Jock And The Fat Chick

Nicole is currently at work on her third book involving magic called, The Conjurer.

No one ever said high school was easy. In this hilarious and heartwarming debut, one high school senior has to ask himself how much he's willing to give up in order to fit in.
Kevin seems to have it all: he's popular, good looking, and on his way to scoring a college hockey scholarship. However, he's keeping two big secrets. The first is that he failed an assignment and is now forced to take the most embarrassing course ever--domestic tech. The second is that he is falling for his domestic tech classmate, Claire.
As far as Kevin is concerned, Claire does have it all: she's funny, smart, beautiful, and confident. But she's off-limits. Because Kevin knows what happens when someone in his group dares to date a girl who isn't a cheerleader, and there's no way he is going to put himself—or Claire—through that.
But steering clear of the girl of his dreams is a lot harder than Kevin thought…especially when a cooking project they are paired together for provides the perfect opportunity for things to heat up between them outside the classroom….

I raise an eyebrow, letting her know I’m listening, but I’m not sure where she’s going with this.
“I tell you what to do and say around Mrs. A, and that way I keep my A and you can pass this class.”
I consider Claire’s offer. On the one hand, I don’t like her calling me a dumb jock. On the other, she’s amazingly good at cooking and needs to keep her grades high, which means if I do what she says, I’ll pass too. I’ve got nothing to lose, so I nod.
“Okay,” I say.
She gives me this big warm smile, like I’ve made her day.
“Good.” She motions to the fish. “Keep flaking.”
I respond with a “Yes, Coach,” as a lighthearted way of sealing our deal.
When I’m done flaking, Claire adds the fish to the thick rice mixture and then stirs, making my mouth water. It looks and smells incredible. There must be a million grams of carbs in there. If I ate all that, I’d slip into a carb coma.
Claire pulls a large wooden spoon from the drawer and then offers it to me. “Want to taste?”
She’s surprised when I shake my head, like I have no clue what I’ve turned down.
“Ugh,” she says. “Don’t tell me you’re one of those carb-counting gym rats.”
I make a face. “I hate the term ‘gym rat’; it makes me sound greasy.”
“True.” Claire sizes me up and then adds, “And you’re definitely not greasy.”
Hey, did she just check me out?
“Okay, how’s ‘don’t tell me you’re one of those carb-counting fitness bunnies’?”
I grunt, amused.
“I bet you work out twice a day,” she goes on, stirring the risotto, “and you eat nothing but skinless chicken and steamed broccoli.”
I shrug.
She bobs her head, like she’s confirming something. “Yeah, you look like a guy who denies himself pleasure....”
An unexpected rush of heat spreads across my face. “Well, if you want six-pack abs, there’s got to be sacrifices.”
Claire glances at my stomach, and even though she can’t see anything under my shirt and apron, she turns her gaze away and smiles, big.

That was definitely a check-me-out move.

1. How did you get started writing?
I really enjoyed movies growing up, so when I was a student at the University of Toronto, I joined Hart House’s New Filmmaker’s Club. There were roughly thirty of us at our first meeting, sitting at this huge Harry Potter dining hall style table. The other students were vying for the director’s position in the club, so while they chatted, I used the time to write my first ten-minute short film. When I finished, something just hit me. It was like a horrible cliché; it felt as if the clouds parted and a ray of sun shone down upon me. I just knew storytelling was what I wanted to do.
2. Name three things on your desk right now.
Camera that needs charging, two empty pint sized mugs of tea, and jewellery: four silver rings and a bracelete.

3. Hamburger or sushi?
Definitely sushi.

4. If I were your favorite cookie I would be what flavor?
I’d be one of the cookies I get at the The Chocolateria. He makes them with high quality real ingredients — good chocolate, butter, etc. along with leftover ingredients from his other chocolate goodies, which is the real secret. You don’t snarf this cookie down, no-no. It’s a put on a pot of tea and sit in your favourite chair with a good book by your side kind of cookie.

5. Open your new release to any page and tell us what is happening.
Claire’s teaching Kevin how to properly hold a knife, but he’s not paying attention because she’s just laid her palm overtop his hand and his heart is thumpity-smashing.

6. Heels, flats or sneakers? (or nothing at all)
Motorcycle boots.

7. Tell us one tip you would pass on to new writers.
If it’s in your heart to tell stories, don’t let anyone stop you.

8. Plotter or pantster?
Definite plotter.

9. What is your favorite movie or book and why?
This is a tough one as there are just so many. I love ALMOST FAMOUS as I used it as a tool to help me understand Joseph Campbell’s work on the hero’s journey.

10. What's next on your writerly horizon?
THE CONJURER, a story involving stage magic.

11. (for YA) What do you think makes your book connect and resonate with teen readers?
There is a raw honesty to it. My characters aren’t know it all’s. They’re trying to navigate and make sense of the world, just as much as my readers are.

12. (horror/zombie) Do you write about things that scare you? If so, what and (gasp) why?
Yes. I like to write about characters who sometimes question the existence of God. What if it’s true? Also, what if it’s not true? Either scenario is terrifying.

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14. The Chemist's Shop Book Tour

The Book Mistress Tours Presents

The Chemist's Shop
Richard Brumer
Stand Alone or Series:   Stand Alone
Length of Book:                Approx 68,000 words/ 300 pages
Genre:                                  Suspense thriller wrapped around a tender love story.
Buy Links:                           

Author Bio:
Richard Brumer grew up in the Bronx and now lives in Florida with his wife Carol. For many years his passions were skiing, sports car racing, and sailing, including sailing solo in the South Pacific. As a retired pharmacist, he turned his hand to writing and has written several novels and short stories.
Information about his work can be seen on his website: http://www.richardbrumer.com
Social Media Links:         Facebook:           https://www.facebook.com/RichardBrumerAuthor
Website:             http://www.richardbrumer.com
Twitter:                @rxrich

First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out...
Because I was not a Socialist.
Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out...
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out...
Because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me...and there was no one left to speak for me.
—Martin Niemoller, Protestant pastor
The Chemist’s Shop, a novel by RICHARD BRUMER. It is a gripping psychological suspense thriller wrapped around a tender love story.
Pharmacology professor Michael Ross retires from the world of academia in 1970 and opens a community pharmacy in a peaceful upstate New York town. He puts the horrific tragedies of his past behind him and finds serenity in his new life. That is, until he recognizes a customer as former Nazi SS officer, Hans Stern.
Michael looks into Stern’s cold steel-blue eyes, clenches his fists and boils inside, remembering how his three young daughters were taken from him and gassed, and his wife, Ilona, was tortured, raped and stripped of all dignity by Stern, twenty-five years earlier in Auschwitz.
Face to face with this evil being, Michael forces himself to stay calm. In that moment, he experiences two opposing but related feelings. One is anger, the other exhilaration.
Michael could not protect his family then, but he can avenge their deaths now. It isn’t just about killing Stern. That would be too easy. His death has to be slow, painful, and diabolical, and it begins with a game of chess.
Available online from Barnes and Noble, Amazon, Goodreads, and in Palm Beach County, FL public libraries
I’m sorry I wasn’t able to be with you for the past few days. The court case consumes me but being in jail doesn’t take me away from you, When I lost you and later learned you were in Paradise, I felt cursed by the distance between us. But now I feel blessed that I can enjoy the finer parts of our love that others with the privilege of nearness fail to notice.
Our minds and hearts are joined for all eternity, a gift perhaps few can share. Thank you so much for loving me and being my wife.

Miklos and Ilona protected their daughters from worry and harm so they could live in their sweet world of innocence. He was delighted to see his girls play dress-up as they danced around the house, like little ballerinas, to the music of Swan Lake. Little Eva was the best dancer of them all.
“Go, go, Eva,” he shouted and clapped with his hands over his head.
She turned and spun, like a prima ballerina, the star of the show. She had her own graceful style and expressed her emotions with her small, delicate hands, dancing and turning, with her arms arched above her. In his mind’s eye, Miklos saw her grown-up, in her ballet costume, on point and on stage.
The twins skipped and danced until they were breathless. They were all dressed up and fancy, painted with their mother’s makeup and wearing colorful outfits sewn together by Ilona from scraps of material. Roza and Magda had their own sense of grace. They lived in the moment, their moment, as they twirled their young bodies, attempted pirouettes, and leaped into the air.

Ilona turned toward Miklos and whispered in his ear, “When the girls are finished dancing, remind me to tell you something.”
“Tell me now.”
“No, it’s a surprise for the whole family.”
Magda’s excited cries interrupted them. “Look at me, look at me!” She skipped barefoot along the hardwood floor, spinning, turning and bowing to her audience.
“Wonderful!” Miklos shouted as he clapped in rhythm to the music.
“Look at me, too,” Roza yelled as she jumped up and down on the sofa.
Then little Eva caught her breath and performed her solo. “Look at me, Papa. I’m the swan queen.”
She twirled her young body around until she was dizzy, but continued to dazzle her audience. At the end of her dance, her black curls were wet with perspiration and she bowed to everyone as they applauded. Her eyes widened and sparkled when Miklos presented her with a red rose he had taken from Ilona’s birthday bouquet.
“Oh, Papa, thank you!” she said, taking in the delicate scent of the rose.
“You’re welcome, Eva. Every ballerina should have flowers when she takes her bows at the end of her performance.”
Miklos squeezed his wife’s hand. “Did you ever think that when our girls were born, they would provide us with so much entertainment?”
“Never,” Ilona said with tears of delight. “We were given a gift, a wonderful present,” she said, her dark-brown eyes glistening.
“We’re blessed,” he said with a deep sigh, but his thoughts were troubled.
 “Will we be all right, Miklos?” Ilona asked. “I’m worried about the girls. They’re so young, just babies.”
“Everything will go well. I was a professor. The Nazis will show respect and find some use for me. We will be safe, Ilona. I promise you.”
Little Eva was out of breath. She sat on the couch, her chest heaving in and out, but Roza and Magda continued to dance with the little energy they had left. They loved each other in a special way, as twins do, but had distinctive personalities. Magda was a bit of a complainer, but good-natured. At the dinner table, she would scrutinize the food carefully and either eat it or give it a “yuck.” Her dream was to be a singer, and she constantly hummed and whistled her tunes. Roza was the resident introvert. She read books and loved to write poetry. She was sensitive, like her mother. Miklos thought that when his girls grew up, they would be a gift to the artistic world. They had so much ahead of them and were lucky to be at the beginning of their lives. The dancing and music continued. Everything will work out all right. He and Ilona continued to be an enthusiastic audience. They clapped and sang through their daughters performances.
The sound of marching boots and loud banging on the door brought the festivities to a halt.

How did you get started writing?

Stopped sailing in the South Pacific and skiing down mountains when I became 85—now I write!

. Name three things on your desk right now.
Glasses, iPhone, computer

. Hamburger or sushi?

If I were your favorite cookie I would be what flavor?

. Open your new release to any page and tell us what is happening. Reading my back cover blurb on The Chemist’s Shop—a novel:

The book was published by Limitless Publishing and is available on Amazon:
Pharmacology professor Michael Ross retires from the world of academia in 1970 and opens a community pharmacy in a peaceful upstate New York Town. He puts the horrific tragedies of his past behind him and finds serenity in his new life. That is, until he recognizes a customer as former Nazi SS officer, Hans Stern.
Michael looks into Stern’s cold steel-blue eyes, clenches his fists and boils inside, remembering how his three young daughters were taken from him and gassed, and his wife, Ilona, was tortured, raped and stripped of all dignity by Stern twenty-five years earlier in Auschwitz.
Face to face with this evil being, Michael forces himself to stay calm. In that moment, he experiences two opposing but related feelings. One is anger, the other exhilaration.
He could not protect his family then, but he can avenge their deaths now. It wasn’t just about killing Stern. That would be too easy. His death had to be slow, painful, and diabolical, and it begins with a game of chess.


. Heels, flats or sneakers? (or nothing at all)
Tell us one tip you would pass on to new writers.

. Plotter or pantster?
What is your favorite movie or book and why?
Lawrence of Arabia—Historical---beautifully filmed

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15. Out of Time by Shona Husk

1. How did you get started writing?
I always wrote as a child, but as an adult I didn’t get started until I was on maternity leave, and even then it was several years before I decided to aim for publication.

2. Name three things on your desk right now.
My planner so I know what I’m doing monthly and daily. My phone…because I like to have it nearby—although sometimes I put it at the other end of the house so I can work without the distraction. Chocolate, leftover from my morning tea :)

3. Hamburger or sushi?
It depends on how I’m feeling. Sometimes there is nothing better than a nice gourmet beef burger with salty fries. But I do love California rolls with smoked salmon.

4. If I were your favorite cookie I would be what flavor?
I love Donna Hay’s chocolate brownie cookies with peanut butter frosting. They are so good! https://www.donnahay.com.au/recipes/sweets/biscuits-cookies/brownie-cookies-with-peanut-butter-frosting

5. Open your new release to any page and tell us what is happening.
The hero and the heroine are getting intimate, or trying to, but they are also negotiating boundaries. She knows that he has a bit of a raunchy past and she doesn’t want to be a statistic. 

6. Heels, flats or sneakers? (or nothing at all)
Flats or sneakers. I only wear heels for special occasion or conferences.

7. Tell us one tip you would pass on to new writers.
Read widely and write often. That’s kind of two tips but they are equally important.

8. Plotter or pantster?
Plotter without a doubt. I like to get to know my characters before I jump in and have an idea about what the main turning points will be in the story.

9. What is your favorite movie or book and why?
I’m really enjoying the Natural History of Dragons series by Marie Brennan at the moment and the Dresden files by Jim Butcher. They both have excellent world building that sucks you into the story, even though the two series couldn’t be more different in other ways.

10. What's next on your writerly horizon?
I had a paranormal romance, Taming the Assassin, just come out and in October my first m/m romance, Kelly, is out as part of the Secret Confession: Backstage mini-series. I also have a new sci-fi romance series starting with Desire to Fall which I’m super excited about.

Out of Time
The fabulous New Adult series from Shona Husk continues: he wants to shut out the world; she wants to invite it in…

Mike Peterson has learned the hard way that the good really do die young. He and his mum only have each other, and now she’s losing her second battle with cancer. He wants to stay with her; she wants him to keep following his dreams. He doesn’t have long to decide and the rest of the band is waiting on him. Whatever choice he makes, he will lose.

Living at home has become impossible for Ava Brand. Her very religious, very traditional grandmother would like to see her married off to a nice Indian boy. But Ava wants to make her own choices. Meeting Mike gives her a chance to rebel.

What starts off as easy rapidly becomes complicated, as their problems expand and emotions bubble to the surface. Neither has time for complicated, as Ava’s family discovers her extra-curricular activities and Mike has to make incredibly hard choices. But love never waits for the perfect time, and Mike and Ava are going to have to decide if they’re playing for fun, or playing for keeps.

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About the author:
Shona Husk lives in Western Australia at the edge of the Indian Ocean. Blessed with a lively imagination she spent most of her childhood making up stories. As an adult she discovered romance novels and hasn’t looked back.

With over forty published stories, ranging from sensual to scorching, she writes contemporary, paranormal, fantasy and sci-fi romance.

You can find out more at www.shonahusk.com 

‘I don’t know why I texted you.’ Her lips curved into a small smile before she pinched her lower lip between her teeth, as if to stop it from spreading. ‘I just wanted to get out and thought that if you were close by …’
‘And here I am.’ This wasn’t awkward at all. What were they doing?
She nodded and her gaze skimmed over him. ‘And here you are.’ She took a step closer.
He could reach out and touch her, yet he didn’t. He hadn’t been this hesitant in a very long time. But Ava wasn’t some random chick whose name he didn’t know or couldn’t remember. Her name was etched inside his skull. ‘Did you want to go for a walk?’
‘Why not.’ She flicked him another little smile.
Why not indeed, he wasn’t sure what else they were going to do. This was outside their usual activities. They walked down the road a bit toward the foreshore. He was aware of her arm when it brushed his. And while they had sat close after a ride, this felt different.
How different did he want it?
He wasn’t sure. He liked what they had and that they could talk and there were no complications. But his fingers brushed her hand and then her fingers were linking with his and then they were holding hands before they reached the grassed foreshore.
Around them people moved, walking from wherever they’d parked their car or jumped off the bus. She wouldn’t want to be down here when the show started, not when she could be watching from her balcony with her friends, plus they’d wonder where she was. He glanced back up the road toward the hotel.
‘Guess I should go back.’ She didn’t sound entirely convinced.
‘I’ll walk you.’ He didn’t care if he missed the whole thing. They went back the way they’d come.
They were almost there when she stopped. In that heartbeat, he knew this was about to get complicated and he wasn’t going to do a damn thing to stop it. He’d wanted her the first time he’d seen her. The heat of the evening was on his skin and her touch was under his skin.
If she invited him up, he’d follow.
Fuck. He had no condoms.
Maybe she did … but the thought brought him up short. He liked her. He didn’t just want to sleep with her. If he did that, then what happened next? Did they go back to just being friends … is that what had been happening, or had she wanted more from the start?
It was complicated already. He’d been pretending otherwise because Ava was a very pretty distraction.
A quick screw never brought this headache, neither had making love with a girlfriend. He wasn’t sure he remembered how to do that. It had been too long.
She looked up at him and stepped closer. ‘I remembered why I texted you.’
‘Uh-huh.’ He’d kind of got that. He was sure his heart was about to self-destruct in a frenzy of lust and anticipation.
He put his hand on her waist. He knew she was all lithe muscle. Her riding gear had given him plenty to think about in the shower. She probably wouldn’t find that flattering. After giving her a moment to pull away—she didn’t—he drew her a fraction closer.
Neither of them moved. Her lips were tilted up, and her fingers were locked around his. He drew in a breath. If he crossed the line, he wouldn’t be able to uncross it. He didn’t need this. His life was a mess that he couldn’t afford to screw up further. His dick pulsed. It had only been a month, not even a full month. It wasn’t going to drop off if it didn’t get used.
‘Kiss me,’ she whispered.
Any resistance he’d had was shattered by those two words. He leaned down and brushed his lips over hers. All other thoughts melting away.
She wanted him and he needed her. But he didn’t rush the kiss and neither did she. It slowly deepened from first kiss to more. Her free hand slid over his chest to land on his shoulder. He closed the last few centimetres between them.
Still she didn’t pull away.
There were too many people around to do more here. But he moved against her, leaving no doubt about what he was thinking. She gasped then swayed her hips.
He wanted to pick her up and have her against the nearest wall—which had been his first thought the first time he’d seen her. Her hotel was only metres away. He was pathetic, drawing boundaries, only to ignore them when he changed his mind.
Her tongue found his ring. Then her teeth gave it a gentle tug. She gave a little laugh as he growled.
‘You like that one?’
‘Mmm. Do you have any more?’
No, he didn’t, and this is where things usually took a dive. But he wasn’t drunk and neither was she. And they weren’t strangers. But he didn’t want to give up all his secrets too soon. ‘Maybe, maybe not.’
She was still pressed against him. Her body moulding to his. She reached up and took another kiss. ‘Guess I’ll have to wait to find out.’
Her fingers slid free from his and then she was drifting out of reach. She took a couple more steps back, her eyes still on him.
He covered the distance in a few quick strides. Kissed her again. Harder this time; then drew back, knowing there wasn’t going to be anymore tonight. It was better this way. No sex to make a mess of things. It was fairly obvious that it was on both their minds. ‘Enjoy the fireworks.’

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16. Lost Causes

by Mia Marshall



Aidan Brook has spent months living with the horror of what happened when she lost control of her magic. Now she is searching for a way to manage her immense power, but she only hits one dead end after another.

On the run from a council intent on her death, Aidan, the bear shifter Mac, and the rest of her friends find themselves on a desperate chase across deserts and oceans in search of answers. Along the way, they encounter a living myth and a dual magic with secrets of his own—and they learn that the cure may be more deadly than the disease.

To save her own life, Aidan will need to confront the most dangerous foe she’s ever faced…herself.

LOST CAUSES is the fourth book in the award-winning Elements urban fantasy series.


Excerpt Four:

“This may not be the best time for a heartfelt apology.” Sera’s tone was dry, but her dark eyes held no hint of humor. They weren’t focused on me, either. All her attention was reserved for the tall man with a gun standing before us.

I knew little about guns. They were one of the few ways to instantly kill any elemental, even an old one, so we tended to be big believers in gun control. It was a handgun, rather than a shotgun, and it didn’t look like one of the modern blocks of metal I saw in most action movies. If anything, it looked more like the six-shooters from old westerns.

The stranger slid his eyes to me, though the gun never wavered. He was outnumbered, and my appearance only tilted the scales further in our favor, but he showed no sign of nerves. “Come on, then. Join your friends.”

A growl rumbled through the night.

The man was smart enough to move his eyes toward Mac. “You’re weighing the odds right now, aren’t you? Figuring out how fast you can move versus how fast I can pull the trigger. I’ll give you a hint.” He swung the gun to his right until the barrel pointed straight at me. “Not fast enough.”


AUTHOR Bio and Links:

Mia Marshall is the award-winning author of the Elements urban fantasy series. Before she started writing about imaginary worlds, she worked as a high school teacher, script supervisor, story editor, legal secretary, and day care worker. She has lived all along the US west coast and throughout the UK, where she collected an unnecessary number of degrees in literature, education, and film.

These days, she lives in a small house in the Sierra Nevadas, where she is surrounded by a small but deadly feline army.

Twitter: http://twitter.com/thismiamarshall
Facebook: http://facebook.com/miamarshallwrites
Goodreads: http://www.goodreads.com/Mia_Marshall
Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/thismiamarshall

BUY Links:





NOTE:  The first book of the series, BROKEN ELEMENTS,  is now FREE!!!



Mia Marshall will award a $50 Amazon/BN GC to a randomly drawn winner via Rafflecopter.

<a href="http://www.rafflecopter.com/rafl/display/28e4345f1245">Win a $50 Amazon/BN GC - a Rafflecopter giveaway</a>

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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17. The Day Before: Liana Brooks

The Day Before
Liana Brooks
1. How did you get started writing?
In grade school, in the suburbs of Chicago, there was a yearly Young Authors Competition. Writing a story was a requirement from kindergarten on. That sparked the idea that not only could I make up my own stories, but that I should. I scribbled down ideas off and on for years and finally started writing regularly after I graduated college.

2. Name three things on your desk right now.
Rocket Racoon (lego) – a stack of books about writing – a glass of water

3. Hamburger or sushi?
SUSHI!!!! We moved to Alaska in January and I can finally get amazing sushi as often as I can afford it. I'm in heaven! P.S. – buy my books so I can afford sushi

4. If I were your favorite cookie I would be what flavor?
Triple chocolate chip, there are dark, semi-sweet, and white chocolate chips in there. It's delicious.

5. Open your new release to any page and tell us what is happening.
Page 74... the older sister of a missing college student talks the heroine about her sister and the heroine learns that the missing girl put the wrong address on her work application

6. Heels, flats or sneakers? (or nothing at all)
Hiking sandals when it's warm enough. Fuzzy, funky coloured socks for indoors. Hiking shoes for everything else.

7. Tell us one tip you would pass on to new writers.
Be yourself. There's no use copying trends or trying to imitate a famous author. You can't build a career as an imposter. Be yourself, write what you love, write what you want to read, and make a place for yourself.

8. Plotter or pantster?
Panster until chapter 3. Once I know a book has legs I stop and plot it out.

9. What is your favorite movie or book and why?
I have so many favourites... let's say ONE FOR THE MONEY by Janet Evanovich. Stephanie is a funny, fun to read about, and the storyline is intriguing. It's a comfort read that I pick up when I need a laugh.

10. What's next on your writerly horizon?
Sam and Mac's adventures continue in CONVERGENCE POINT and I am busy editing that so it is actually something you want to read. After that I'll be writing Book 4 for the Heroes and Villains novella series.

Author Bio
Liana Brooks once read the book GOOD OMENS by Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett and noted that both their biographies invited readers to send money (or banana daiquiris). That seems to have worked well for them. Liana prefers strawberry daiquiris (virgin!) and will never say no to large amounts of cash in unmarked bills. 
Her books are sweet and humorous with just enough edge to keep you reading past your bedtime. 
Liana was born in San Diego after bouncing around the country she's settled (temporarily) in the great wilderness of Alaska. She can be found on Twitter (@LianaBrooks), on FaceBook, and on the web at www.lianabrooks.com.

A body is found in the Alabama wilderness. The question is:
Is it a human corpse … or is it just a piece of discarded property?

Agent Samantha Rose has been exiled to a backwater assignment for the Commonwealth Bureau of Investigation, a death knell for her career. But then Sam catches a break—a murder—that could give her the boost she needs to get her life back on track. There's a snag, though: the body is a clone, and technically that means it's not a homicide. And yet, something about the body raises questions, not only for her, but for coroner Linsey Mackenzie.

The more they dig, the more they realize nothing about this case is what it seems … and for Sam, nothing about Mac is what it seems, either.

This case might be the way out for her, but that way could be in a bodybag.

A thrilling new mystery from Liana Brooks, The Day Before will have you looking over your shoulder and questioning what it means to be human.


Buy & Social Links

HarperCollins – http://www.harpercollins.com/9780062407658/the-day-before

FaceBook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Liana-Brooks/278779308851471

Twitter: https://twitter.com/lianabrooks

Newsletter: http://lianabrooks.us4.list-manage.com/subscribe?u=675dc6fb70db402b9a2b27c97&id=71396c63a4



Friday May 17th, 2069

Alabama District 3

Commonwealth of North America

With an asthmatic wheeze the engine died. It figured. Stuck in a man’s craw, it did. This truck had been his daddy’s and his pappy’s, and before the Commonwealth government forced him to replace the diesel engine with the newfangled water doohickey, he was certain he’d pass the truck onto his son.
He’d been playing under the hood of trucks since he was six and now he was stranded. Embarrassing, that’s what it was. He climbed out of the cab to check the engine out of habit. The ice blue block of modern fuel efficiency stared back. Three hundred bucks it’d cost him, straight from his pocket.
Oh, there was a government subsidy, all right. A priority list. Major Population Centers, they said. Unite the countries of the Commonwealth on a timeline, they said. And what did all that mean?
It meant the damn Yankees got upgraded cities and free cars before the ink was dry on the Constitution and what about the little man? Nobody thought about the working class. No one cared about a man covered in oil and grease anymore.
He thumbed his cellphone on. No reception. Figured.
So much for the era of new prosperity. He’d hoof it. There was a little town about five miles down the road where he could call Ricky to bring a tow truck. It would have been cheaper to pay the diesel fines than get all this fixed.
Off schedule. Over budget. Son of a –
He stared at the distant trees. Well, it wasn’t going to get any cooler.
He grabbed his wallet and keys from the cab of his truck. The tree line looked like a good spot to answer a call from nature, then he’d see if there weren’t a shortcut through to town. A meadowlark sang. Not a bad day for a hike. Would’ve been better if it weren’t so dammed hot, but at least the humidity was low. He wouldn’t like to walk in a summer monsoon, not at his age with arthritis playing up.
Under a sprawling oak he unzipped his pants. As an afterthought, he glanced down to make sure he wouldn’t stir up a hill of fire ants.
A hand lay next to his boots.
He blinked, zipped his pants slowly, and turned around. "Hello?"
Cicadas chirped in answer.
"Are you drunk?" The quiet field that looked so peaceful only moments before was now eerily sinister. He nudged the hand with his foot. It was swollen and pale and crusted with blood, just like a prop out of a horror movie.
Maybe it was a good idea to run to the next town.

Liana Brooks

Coming April 28th, 2015

Available for Pre-Order

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18. Finding Destiny

Genre: Fantasy Fiction
Book only out in EBook..
When eighteen year old Alex’s little sister’s pony goes missing, he sets out to look for her and finds himself in a strange gypsy camp in the middle of a forest. The pony is being cared for by a young girl called Faith. When Alex accepts a drink from Faith’s grandmother, he wakes up later to find himself transported into 2038 to a technologically-advanced, very colourful world inhabited by humans and robots. Alex soon discovers that he is now twenty, married and has a magical little baby girl. A magic he only seems to notice. He soon finds out that he will have to defend his little girl from the half-breeds with everything he has. He travels back through the magic pages of books to try and save her before it is too late and she is lost from him forever.

Sales links...
Publisher site... http://www.pilrigpress.co.uk/books.html
Amazon...  http://www.amazon.co.uk/Finding-Destiny-Katrina-Hart-ebook/dp/B00U1WUFSE/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1435744291&sr=8-1&keywords=finding+destiny
Finding Destiny is now available on ITunes Ibook  https://itunes.apple.com/gb/book/finding-destiny/id975158084?mt=11

Blogs and Social media links.
Blog; https://katrinamarie25.wordpress.com/
Twitter; @KatrinaHart2015
Facebook.;  https://www.facebook.com/pages/Katrina-Hart/1785712648319624?ref=hl
Goodreads.;  https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/13566519.Katrina_Hart

 1. How did you get started writing?
One sunny day I decided to join a short online course on creative writing. And ever since I just haven't been able to stop writing. I still have my very first short story that at the time inspired me to want to write more.  Then my novel just grew from one of the short story's I completed there and turned into Finding Destiny.  

2. Name three things on your desk right now.
I don't really sit at a desk, but the three things that I often have around me when I write is:
1) A little door with the title of my book on it that a dear friend made me when I was writing my novel.
2) My crystal ball.
3) My Yankee candles because they help me get into the writing mood at times. 

3. Hamburger or sushi?
If I'm honest I don't like either.

4. If I were your favourite cookie I would be what flavour?
Chocolate or strawberry. 

5. Open your new release to any page and tell us what is happening.
In chapter three The First Trip To Quill City. 
After the help of their robot servant, Flicker, Alex and Faith visit the centre of the world, Quill City. When they enter the bookshop, the owner, Gwendolyn, seems fascinated by Destiny and she gives Alex a copy of The History Of One Girl's Magic Feather.  She tells him 'to open when the moon highlights Destiny.'  
6. Heels, flats or sneakers? (or nothing at all)
Flats I have too bad balance for heels. 

7. Tell us one tip you would pass on to new writers.
Enjoy writing and following your characters and never give up, because everything you have written even if at first it doesn't feel great, you can go back and fix until it reads just as you want it to. 

8. Plotter or pantster?
Pantster I never really plot while writing, mainly because I don't really want to know what happens until it happens. It would be like seeing your future to the end before living it to me.

9. What is your favourite movie or book and why?
I have so many favourite books, but one I read not so long ago and really enjoyed was called The Forest King's Daughter by Kendra Olson. I really enjoyed following her main character through her journey.
10. What's next on your writerly horizon?
I'm working on polishing my second novel 'The lost Town of Man's Crossing' And writing some short stories at the moment. I also have a third first draft hiding in my bookcase waiting for me to come back and look at it again.

11. (for YA) What do you think makes your book connect and resonate with teen readers?
I think with my book it's the journey and all the different characters in the book that would likely resonate with teen readers. As well as the adventure that Alex goes through after he met Madam Moonfighter.

Thank-you for having me on your blog.

Book Excerpts.. Chapter one..
Finding Destiny

"Destiny! Destiny!" I yelled, walking the dark forest alone.
Broken branches crunched beneath my feet. Black, shadowing trees loomed over me, following my every move. Owls hooted and flapped in every direction. I proceeded, calling the girlie-named pony.
I walked till my feet burned. It had been hours with no sign of Destiny, when the forest seemed to come alive before my eyes! Classical music hummed around a circle of purple gypsy tents, which surrounded a huge pink camp fire. I rubbed my tired eyes in disbelief. I opened them again and saw Destiny being cuddled lovingly by a pale girl with black hair flowing like a never-ending river. I walked over to the girl and Destiny.
"Hey miss, you found my sister’s pony." I looked down at them both.
"Mister, she is my pony!" She held Destiny closer in a protective grip.
I was about to argue my point, but a cold hand pushed on my shoulder, stopping me.
"Grandma! He wants my pony." The girl pointed in my direction.
"Faith, don’t point it’s rude!" The old woman scolded her like she was a child.
"Where the hell did you come from!" I shouted and jumped to look her in the face.
"My tent, just this way," the grandma said as she walked inside her purple tent.
I followed, outraged. I just wanted my sister’s pony back.
"Enter," the old woman croaked, coughing.
"Are you okay!" I whispered.
"Yes! Yes! Don’t worry yourself, now what can I do for you, sir?" She coughed again.
"I need my sister’s pony back. It’s her everything," I pleaded.
"My Faith loves her too," the old lady coughed again.
"I will do anything, I need that pony!" I tried again, staring into the old lady’s purple eyes.
Her wrinkled, transparent face and white long hair, tied in a bun tight above her head, made her look frail. She sat down behind a crystal ball. "Anything?"
I nodded.
"Let me see your future," she coughed, rubbing her crystal ball and looking inside its clear dome.
The silence dragged on like an unspoken question in a crowded room. Sadness crossed her face.
"It’s done!" she shouted; her eyes seemed to turn black.
"Thank you." I smiled, a little confused.
"My pleasure." She coughed, handing me a blue drink in a clear glass. "Please drink, it will bring you good luck on your way home. It’s a tradition, you know," she said.
I didn’t want to seem rude, so I drained the glass. My head spun and everything became unfocused.

I fought to see through the darkness. Crying, and the smell of hay surrounded me.
"Hello! Who’s there? Where am I?" I whispered, following the cries of what sounded like a girl being murdered.
"Hello!" I yelled over her cries. I feared for us both. A light danced on of its own accord. Straw was everywhere. Pink, blue and red horses wandered about, leaving their stalls empty. The barn looked steel, unlike anything I had seen before. A computer was flat-attached to the wall, but there was no keyboard to type on. Had I been drinking? Or dreaming? I wasn’t sure, but this barn looked far too advanced for my time.
The girl’s cries turned to screams. The sound was deafening; my heart thumped. I stood beside the screaming stable door, sliding it open with a loud squeak. Peering inside, her gaze met mine; her black flowing hair lay upon the straw, sticking to her sweat-covered forehead.
"Faith? Is that you? What are we doing here?" I rushed to her side.
"I’m screaming and you are late!" she said blowing out a breath.
"I don’t even know where we are, do you?" I retorted.
Faith screamed, grabbing my hand like a vice then relaxing once more. She placed an old folded piece of paper into my hand.
"Read it!" Her breath came out raggedly.
The note read …

Dear Alex, and Faith.
Destiny had many lovely years with your little sister, as promised Alex.
I saved your lives. You are in 2038 on the morning that bound your futures together. I saw it!
Don’t hate an old Gypsy for sending you on your way.
Good luck both of you!

The note fell from my hands, "We are in 2038, hell!"
"Isn’t it?" Faith screamed.
I tried to get Faith to let go of my hand. Then her body went stiff and I began to panic; she needed a doctor or midwife right now. But a cry split the air and a robot computer handed her a screaming baby.
On the computer screen, fireworks announced Faith had a baby girl
"We," she whispered, as the robot computer walked away. I kissed Faith softly on the lips, and a weird deja vu came over me. Love flooded my heart, sending warm shivers coursing through my body.
"Shall we call her Destiny?" Faith asked, gazing into my eyes.
"That’s perfect," I smiled.
This was the first moment of my new life.

 Author Bio..
My name is Katrina Hart but I was always called Katie. I live in the East of England with my family and Holly, Smokey my two cats as well as Jessie our dog, they are a nutty bunch but I love them all the same. I have always had a passion for reading. I could easily spend a whole lifetime engrossed in a good book. In my twenties I joined an online writing class, where I fell in love with writing my own stories. Since I started writing I have discovered a new love for quotes, a quote that really inspired was from Toni Morrison. Toni said  “If there’s a book you really want to read but it hasn’t been written yet, then you must write it.” I came across this quote whilst I was studying, this is one of the many things that inspired me to begin my first novel. I always welcome anyone to visit my blog at http://katrinamarie25.wordpress.com.

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19. Kiss of the Incubus

by C.J. Harwin



An incubus who feeds off the sexual desires of others, Roth de Lis has never been denied the pleasure of a woman’s body...until now. Lilah, once a warrior maiden in the service of a goddess, languishes on Earth after being cast out from the slopes of Mount Olympus.

Lilah will do anything to return home to Olympus, including betraying Roth. As she spins her web of lies, Roth begins a slow, wicked seduction that eventually threatens to consume them both. But when Lilah’s deceit comes to light, will their torrid love affair be able to overcome a pact with the darkest of gods?



Roth made his way back through the VIP room and into the dance area. Half a dozen women had approached him before he could make it to the door, slipping him phone numbers he’d never use and telling him names he didn’t care to know. One in particular got a little too frisky, trying to corral him into a kiss before he gently set her aside and continued making his way out.

He was only interested in one woman’s kiss, but Lilah had decided he wasn’t worth her time. And she’s right. Roth knew he didn’t have anything to offer one such as her, but he wanted her all the same. Want her. The incubus echoed his thoughts back to him, as if it were puzzling over the same riddle—how to make her… What? Make her love me? Impossible.

The hope at such a fairy tale died in his breast as he remembered how she’d turned from him after he revealed his terrible secret. He’d done so much to so many that he would forever be tainted. The incubus would never leave. To do so meant death for the both of them. She was repulsed by his evil, as she should be.

He would have sighed had he been the sort, but instead he pushed out the front doors, nearly breaking them off their hinges. He noted his empty car with a total lack of surprise. Lilah had a problem following directions, as he well knew. Her bullheaded nature made him smile to himself.

The he saw her. She stood as if frozen, somehow dumbstruck as a male slung his arm around her and groped her ass.

In an instant, Roth decided he would kill the male for touching her, but first he would make him suffer.


AUTHOR Bio and Links:

C.J. Harwin is an author of steamy romance novels that spring from myth and imagination. Accompanied by her family and an embarrassing number of pets, she lives in a Southern town watched over by the god of the forge. An attorney by day, she spends her nights crafting tales of ghouls and gods, mortals and minions, and heroines and the heroes who love them.

Twitter: @cjharwin
Facebook: facebook.com/cjharwin


C.J. Harwin will award a randomly drawn winner via Rafflecopter a $20 Amazon/BN GC.

<a href="http://www.rafflecopter.com/rafl/display/28e4345f1240">Enter to win a $20 Amazon/BN GC - a Rafflecopter giveaway</a>
a Rafflecopter giveaway

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20. Sirens Submission Call


Alpena, MI (August 18, 2015) – World Weaver Press (Eileen Wiedbrauk, Editor-in-Chief) has announced the anthology Sirensvolume four of Rhonda Parrish’s Magical Menageries is open to submissions throughNovember 15, 2015.

Praise for Rhonda Parrish’s Magical Menageries:

“Rhonda Parrish has assembled a stellar collection that runs the gamut of Urban Fantasy to Weird Fiction. Easily the most consistently satisfying anthology I've read in years.”
— K.L. Young, Executive Editor, Strange Aeons Magazine

“With fifteen talented writers and a theme subject that is both evocative and memorable, Rhonda Parrish’s new anthology Scarecrow, is no straw man. Like any good scarecrow, this anthology is truly outstanding in its field. Don’t be scared to pick this up and give it a read.”
— Steve Vernon, author of Tatterdemon
Delightfully refreshing! I should have known that editor Parrish (who also edits the cutting edge horror zine, Niteblade) would want to offer something quite unique. I found it difficult to stop reading as one story ended and another began – all fantastic work by gifted writers. Not for the faint of heart, by any means.”
— Marge Simon, multiple Bram Stoker® winner
“What an amazing group of stories!”
— Tangent
“There’s no Disney-esque flutter and glitter to be found here — but there are chills and thrills aplenty.”
— Mike Allen, author of Unseaming and editor of Clockwork Phoenix

Greek mythology describes the Sirens as being charismatic monsters; part bird, part woman, with enchanting voices whose songs either lure men to, or foretell, their deaths. In Roman mythology they play a similar role but shift their domain to the sea and take the form of mermaid-like creatures. Mythological Sirens such as these come with a capital ess; there are only a small number of them, they have names, Godly parents and occupations. Those Sirens are welcome within the pages of this anthology, but so are their lower-case sisters.

In Sirens, we will honor and share stories of historical Sirens, but we’ve equal room for modern re-imaginings and will be giving matching space to both avian and aquatic varieties.
Whether from the sea or sky, sirens are beautiful, dangerous and musical, and we’re open to works that exemplify as well as those which defy those expectations. Sirens will be a book full of tales that evoke a vast spectrum of emotions toward these maidens, empathy, disdain, sorrow, awe and anger. I want stories of wretched and cursed sirens who fight against the roles imposed upon them and tales of those who revel in them. I’m hoping for pieces re-telling or playing upon the traditional myths and others which create their own mythologies, and all the little niches in between.

For full submission guidelines and details, visithttp://www.worldweaverpress.com/submit-anthologies.html

Rhonda Parrish is a master procrastinator and nap connoisseur but despite that she somehow manages a full professional life. She has been the publisher and editor-in-chief of Niteblade Magazine for over five years now (which is like 25 years in internet time) and is the editor of the benefit anthology Metastasis, as well as the World Weaver Press anthologies FaeScarecrow, and Corvidae. In addition, Rhonda is a writer whose work has been included or is forthcoming in dozens of publications including Tesseracts 17: Speculating Canada from Coast to Coast and Imaginarium: The Best Canadian Speculative Writing. Her website, updated weekly, is at rhondaparrish.com.

World Weaver Press is an independently owned publisher of fantasy, paranormal, and science fiction. We believe in great storytelling.

# # # # #

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21. Complete With Her

Now available - the next installment of Lynn Burke's Risso Family novellas!
Complete with Her
A Risso Family Novella
Contemporary Romance
by Lynn Burke
August 10, 2015
Evernight Publishing
Bastian Risso breaks away from his loud, intrusive family and moves to Charleston, West Virginia. His new neighbor is a seemingly lonely soul, a kindred introvert who might be his perfect matchHer beauty calls to him like a siren, and determined not to be a chicken-shit, he steps out of his comfort zone to make her acquaintance. 

Eve Thompson is protective of her privacy. She relishes her solitude as it keeps people from staring at her deformed upper lip or making fun of her speech impediment. Her persistent neighbor, however, proves a temptation too great to resist. His sincere smiles and compliments threaten to crumble the brick wall she hides behind. And his affections evoke feelings she can't control. 

Bastian plans to show Eve the beauty of who she is inside and out. But will his efforts break down her barriers or shatter both their fragile hearts
Click on the image above for more information about the Risso Family!
Sprawling out on my borrowed sleeping bag beside the fire, I feasted my eyes on Eve as she moved with ease around our site. No fidgeting. No sidelong glances. “I can see why you love it out here.”
She tucked an escaped lock of hair behind an ear and bent over her task of wiping the blackened pot clean. “While it’s quiet at home, nothing compares to the peaceful outdoors.”
Temptation to tell her I knew of a thing or two that would compare in enjoyment rolled over me, but I refrained. Shadows lengthened across the small campground, and although we had neighbors a stone throw away, their murmuring barely reached my ears. Shrubs and trees blocked us from view, and leaning back, hands behind my head, I decided tonight, come hell or high water, I would hear Eve’s gasps, smother her moans with my lips as my hands explored her body.
Twilight hindered sight through the trees before she finished cleaning up. After hiding herself in the tent for a few minutes, she emerged with pants and clogs replacing her hiking gear. She settled onto the ground beside my knees.
I leaned up on my elbow and propped my head on my hand. “Eve.” I patted the sleeping bag I laid on. “Come up here.”
Her bottom lip sucked between her teeth as she peered at me in the growing darkness. “Why?”
“I want to kiss you.”
A gasp reached my ears, and I wished we’d brought a lantern so I could see her face. She scooted to my side, and I tugged her down to lay beside me.
Baby steps.
Inches separated our bodies, but I didn’t pull her close like I longed to do. Instead, I ran a fingertip down her cheek and neck, her pulse thrumming beneath my feather-light touch. She gazed up at me with widened eyes. Her lips parted and breathing hitched, and I held in my groan. As if my aching cock needed her encouragement.
Enjoying the tension sizzling between us, I leaned down and kissed her, and the second I swept my tongue along the seam of her lips, she moaned and shimmied closer.
Arousal rolled over me, and I clamped my arm around her waist, pressing her breasts and hips tight against me. My groan escaped into her mouth. No way in hell would I get any sleep.
About Lynn Burke
Lynn Burke is a full time mother, voracious gardener, and scribbler of spicy romance stories. A country bumpkin turned Bay Stater, she enjoys her chowdah and Dunkin Donuts when not trying to escape the reality of city life.

Her current work, the Risso Familly Novellas, revolves around four siblings from Boston’s North End.

Find Lynn on her websiteFacebookTwitterTumblrAmazon, and Goodreads.

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22. Eluding Illusions Release Day and Giveaway

Emma Banciu dreams about her novels taking on a life of their own. Thanks to a centuries old Gypsy curse, they tend to do just that. Writing with pen and paper she brings things to life, and hell hath no fury like an antagonist scorned. Now she's on the run from Kyrin, an evil demon warlord who surfaced from one of her first manuscripts. And the only way to get rid of him is to destroy the manuscript.
Enter JG1988, her long-time online friend. He knows nothing of the curse nor the magick Emma possesses. His only wish is to finally meet her in person and take their relationship to the next level. He reveals a surprise of his own when he shows up at Emma's door as international recording artist Jake Griffin.
Destroying the manuscript will not only get rid of Kyrin, but also end her relationship with Jake. But keeping secrets from him may end up doing just that. In order to survive they'll resort to love, lies, and a little Gypsy magick.
Jake lead herintotheadjoiningroomwhereababygrandpianosatinthecorner.
Turningthepianobenchsideways,he satbackand motioned for her to sit in front of him. His arms slid alongside her shoulders as he reachedoutfortheivorybars, and he tightened his legs against her outer thighs. The heat radiating off him surrounded Emma like a blanket of safety. Shesnuggledupagainsthischestashisfingerstickledthekeys.
Succumbingto the enchanting melody, her eyes fell closed.Hischestpressedagainstherback,risingandfallingashesangout the verses hewrotejustforher,simplytitled,Emma'sSong. The wordstookherbreathawayhowhespokesolovinglyofherthroughsong.Eachrefrainmorepassionfilledthantheonebefore,pouringhisheartoutwitheachnote.The emotions wellingupinsideconfusedher,assheletherselfbecomeentrancedbyhisbaritone voice.Fear and happiness pooled in her eyes, releasing in tears that slid over her cheeks.
The keysstoppeddancing,andtheroomheldasilencemarredonlybytheheavingofJake's breath.Reopeninghereyes,Emma turnedherheadtowardhim.Hisfingertipspressedagainstherjawline,guidingherheadas heleanedin.Theirlipsmetwithacautioustenderness.Sheswungherbodyaroundontheseat,raisingherhandstoencompasshisneck.Hepulledhercloser, partingherlipsasheswepthistongueoverhers.Aninnateachepulsedthroughher,takingoverherself-control.Hisverytouchtingledeverynervealongtheway.
She slippedherfingersthroughthebackofhiswavyhair,massaginghisheadinrhythmwiththeir exploratorykisses.His<

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23. Scarecrow Anthology


Alpena, MI (August 4, 2015) – World Weaver Press (Eileen Wiedbrauk, Editor-in-Chief) has announced the anthology Scarecrow, volume three of Rhonda Parrish’s Magical Menageries, is available in trade paperback and ebook today, Tuesday, August 4.

Praise for Scarecrow and Rhonda Parrish’s Magical Menageries:

“Rhonda Parrish has assembled a stellar collection that runs the gamut of Urban Fantasy to Weird Fiction. Easily the most consistently satisfying anthology I've read in years.”
— K.L. Young, Executive Editor, Strange Aeons Magazine

“With fifteen talented writers and a theme subject that is both evocative and memorable, Rhonda Parrish’s new anthology Scarecrow, is no straw man. Like any good scarecrow, this anthology is truly outstanding in its field. Don’t be scared to pick this up and give it a read.”
— Steve Vernon, author of Tatterdemon

Delightfully refreshing! I should have known that editor Parrish (who also edits the cutting edge horror zine, Niteblade) would want to offer something quite unique. I found it difficult to stop reading as one story ended and another began – all fantastic work by gifted writers. Not for the faint of heart, by any means.”
— Marge Simon, multiple Bram Stoker® winner
“What an amazing group of stories!”
— Tangent
“There’s no Disney-esque flutter and glitter to be found here — but there are chills and thrills aplenty.”
— Mike Allen, author of Unseaming and editor ofClockwork Phoenix
Hay-men, mommets, tattie bogles, kakashi, tao-tao—whether formed of straw or other materials, the tradition of scarecrows is pervasive in farming cultures around the world. The scarecrow serves as decoy, proxy, and effigy—human but not human. We create them in our image and ask them to protect our crops and by extension our very survival, but we refrain from giving them the things a creation might crave—souls, brains, free-will, love. In Scarecrow, fifteen authors of speculative fiction explore what such creatures might do to gain the things they need or, more dangerously, think they want.
Within these pages, ancient enemies join together to destroy a mad mommet, a scarecrow who is a crow protects solar fields and stores long-lost family secrets, a woman falls in love with a scarecrow, and another becomes one. Encounter scarecrows made of straw, imagination, memory, and robotics while being spirited to Oz, mythological Japan, other planets, and a neighbor’s back garden. After experiencing this book, you’ll never look at a hay-man the same.
Featuring all new work by Jane YolenAndrew Bud AdamsLaura BlackwoodAmanda BlockScott BurtnessVirginia Carraway StarkAmanda C. DavisMegan FennellKim GoldbergKatherine MarzinskyCraig PaySara PulsHolly SchofieldLaura VanArendonk Baugh, and Kristina Wojtaszek.                                                                                                                                                                 
Scarecrow is available in trade paperback and ebook via Amazon.comBarnesandnoble.comKobo.comWorldWeaverPress.com, and other online retailers, and for wholesale through Ingram. You can also find Scarecrow onGoodreads.
Rhonda Parrish is a master procrastinator and nap connoisseur but despite that she somehow manages a full professional life. She has been the publisher and editor-in-chief of Niteblade Magazine for over five years now (which is like 25 years in internet time) and is the editor of the benefit anthology Metastasis, as well as the World Weaver Press anthologies FaeScarecrow, and Corvidae. In addition, Rhonda is a writer whose work has been included or is forthcoming in dozens of publications including Tesseracts 17: Speculating Canada from Coast to Coast and Imaginarium: The Best Canadian Speculative Writing. Her website, updated weekly, is at rhondaparrish.com.

World Weaver Press is an independently owned publisher of fantasy, paranormal, and science fiction. We believe in great storytelling.

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24. A Creative Journal for the Inspirationally Challenged

1.     How did you get started writing?
 I began writing when I was a young twenty something trapped in the masculine world of the military. Writing romance helped me stay in touch with my feminine side and kept me out of trouble.

2.     Name three things on your desk right now.
A typewriter, stack of books, and an Edgar Allan Poe action figure.

3.     Hamburger or sushi?
Hamburger…but with cheese. I don’t like the idea of raw fish.

4.     If I were your favorite cookie I would be what flavor?

5.     Open your new release to any page and tell us what is happening.
A question: Start writing a piece from the end.

6.     Heels, flats or sneakers? (or nothing at all)
Soft squishy socks if I have a choice, chuck taylors if I don’t.

7.     Tell us one tip you would pass on to new writers.
Keep going but it never gets easier.

8.     Plotter or pantster?
Pantser until about ¼ of the way then you kinda have to plot.

9.     What is your favorite movie or book and why?
That is a hard one…I could never list all the books. Favorite movie has to be Under the Tuscan Sun…I often dream of running away (to Italy no less).

10.  What's next on your writerly horizon?
Currently tweaking a book previously known as Legend’s Fall. I’m expanding and revising for it’s re-release.

It is a truth universally acknowledged that any writer, in possession of a beautiful idea, will have a bad day and need to mainline caffeine. Ok well, maybe not, but as writers ourselves we know that everyone has good and bad days. The most important thing is that you keep writing.


Here is the Goodreads page:



Monica Corwin

Monica Corwin is an outspoken writer who attempts to make romance accessible to everyone no matter their preferences. As a new Northern Ohioian Monica enjoys snow drifts, three seasons of weather, and disliking Michigan. When not writing Monica spends time with her daughter and her ever growing collection of tomes about King Arthur.

FB: https://www.facebook.com/monicacorwin
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/6585416.Monica_Corwin
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Monica_Corwin
Website: www.monicacorwin.com
Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Monica-Corwin/e/B00BMTJSXI/ref=sr_ntt_srch_lnk_1?qid=1436761918&sr=8-1

Decadent Kane

Decadent Kane, author of the trouble with elves series, writes paranormal romance with heat. She lives in Wyoming with a full house: 3 dogs, 1 cat, 1 guinea pig, 1 rat, 2 kids, and 1 fiance.

An elfess in human form, Decadent enjoys dipping her fingers into the human realm where she took pen to paper and began the tales of the trouble with elves. Her obsessions include reading, Dean Winchester, and honey.

She will devour your soul with glimpses of the feral ridden drow elves, with their dark skin and soul consuming. She'll sneak morsels of naughty thoughts to you via goblins, and seduce you into stepping inside the elven realm where females disappear when lust takes over among other elfish troubles.

Beware the sprites.

Follow the wisps.

But never look a drow elf king in the eyes...

FB: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100008217340227&fref=ts
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/7461653.Decadent_Kane
Twitter: https://twitter.com/DecadentKane
Website: http://decadentkane.blogspot.com
Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Decadent-Kane/e/B00HAO0VVW/ref=sr_ntt_srch_lnk_2?qid=1436761842&sr=8-2-spell

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25. A Haunting Desire


About the book: New Orleans, 1902 A killer walks the streets of New Orleans, eviscerating men and leaving them in the streets, and for madam Trula Boudreaux, it's bad for business. Trula needs help but she’s not prepared for Zeke Barnes, the charming would-be savior who darkens her doorway—or the yearning he awakens. For while Trula knows well the delights of lust, she avoids love at all costs… Investigating the killer was one thing, but Zeke can't help but be enchanted by the gorgeous mystery woman who runs an exclusive brothel. Caught between his duty to protect the city and his clear-as-day desire for Trula, Zeke sets about capturing Trula's heart—or at least a place in her bed. But with every moment Trula resists, Zeke falls into greater danger. For his investigation into the haunted city and madam doesn't just risk his heart but both their lives.


Author Bio: Julie Mulhern always wanted to be a writer. She spent her childhood creating pen names and dreaming of exotic, mysterious, romantic places. To that end, she went to Washington and Lee University in Lexington, Virginia (because, when you’re from the Midwest, the South is both exotic and romantic). There she earned degrees in politics and French. She even spent a year living in Paris. But the Midwest beckoned and she returned home. Now she lives with her husband, two daughters and a dastardly dog. It might not be exotic or mysterious but it is romantic.

 Author Website: * Twitter * Facebook  

 Excerpt 1: “You’re still here, Mr. Barnes.” Apparently he meant to continue plaguing her. He showed no sign of leaving. She wanted him gone, yet she was glad he’d stayed. Her lips pursed. She was annoyed and wasn’t precisely sure with whom.
 “You keep late hours, Miss Boudreaux.” She wandered about the room, too bothered by him to be still. Instead, she collected empty glasses and lined them up on the narrow table used for the bar. “Nothing to say?” Zeke’s voice mocked her. “It’s early. On the weekends, we stay busy ‘til dawn.” “Well then, I imagine you still have plenty of energy.” His eyes skimmed her body, lingering on her breasts. Her body tightened beneath his gaze and she silently cursed its betrayal. She yawned bigger than Diddy. “It’s a shame there’s nothing worth staying up for.”
 He chuckled, a low sound from deep in his throat. Again her perfidious body responded. Heat pooled, tempting her to abandon the tenets that protected her. Worse, the accursed man raised an eyebrow and smiled as if he could detect her body’s yearnings from the comfort of his chair.
 “Who are you and why are you here?” she asked. Real emotion colored her voice. Well, why not? His mere presence had bedeviled her all night. And now his eyes stripped the dress clean off of her. How dare he disturb her well-ordered existence? She had responsibilities. She didn’t need the distraction of a man who would leave her. She scanned the room. There were no more glasses for her to gather, so instead she collected ashtrays.
 “I work for the government. I’m investigating the murders.” He’d deliberately misunderstood. “I think you know something about them.”
 She paused, an ashtray filled with the soggy ends of Cuban cigars clutched in her hand. Could she hurl the dirty crystal fast enough to hit him with it? At the very least, a few cigar butts might mar the pristine whiteness of his shirt. She set the dirty ashtray down on a table with a resounding thunk.
“I already told you, I don’t.”
 He shook his head and a lock of his hair fell across his forehead. With a careless gesture, he brushed it aside.
 Trula arranged the dirty ashtrays in a neat line so she didn’t have to look at him.
 “I’d also like to know you better.”
 Trula took a slow breath. “You seem to ignore answers you don’t like. I’m not available.”
 “Ever?” Disbelief lurked in the gravel of his voice. That gravel—it was the sound of lust—dark and tempting and forbidden. Her heart leapt for her throat. She squared her shoulders and stared straight into his eyes.
“Never.” AHD-JM Banner

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